I have to make a plan

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I was looking forward to returning to Neverland. I kind of missed Bae. Wait. Did I miss Bae? My mind was fucked up. I didn't know what to think anymore. It had happened to much to me these past few weeks. It was hard for me to remember everything.

The night slowly covered the street, and a thin moon showed up in the sky. I didn't know if it was my imagination, but it seemed like all the stars shined brighter this night. It had to mean anything... right? Maybe it was a sign. A sign that meant that I couldn't go back, that I was too old.

I hoped that this day didn't matter to my age. I loved Neverland, much more than I loved Manhattan.  I couldn't believe that I thought this, but the Neverlanders were actually much kinder. (and much more handsome, for Pans part.) Evrn if they tried to kill me. I felt like they were my friends, but like I said before; My mind was fucked up.

I had to make a plan. A plan to save Henry and Wendy. If she wanted to be saved. I had to find Henrys family too, but how? I didn't know who they were or what they looked like. All I knew was that they was looking for him, and I was looking for them.

Fantasylife *O.U.A.T in Neverland based* (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now