Find, find and finding

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Find Henrys family - check. Find Pan - check. There was only two 'checks' left. Talk to Henry and finding out what Pan knew about me. I was going to kill two birds with one stone by going to Pans lair. (again!!!!) I started walking right forward.

Henry was lucky. He had a family that actually cared. That loved him. My family loved their drugs more than they loved me, that hurt. Did Pan know that I actually were lost? Did he know that I wanted to be lost? I guess so. He knew everything about everyone. I spotted a fire and dancing people around it. Yay, I found Pans lair! Pan started to play his flute, and I was dragged closer and closer his lair until I crashed in him. He stopped playing it. "Boys. We have a new Wendy." he yelled and smiled evil at me. "A new Wendy, what does that mean?" I asked. "I ask the questions around here, laddie." he whispered in my ear and walked away.

Fantasylife *O.U.A.T in Neverland based* (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now