Anna's Mate

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Chapter eleven ( Aria's POV)

Its been two days since Cayden and Liam's make over and they haven't heard the end of it yet. Anna and Sara had fun telling everyone how they gave the guys a pretty make over, so pretty much everyone in the pack knows about it. I actually feel really bad for them, but eventually it will all blow over and something else will have happened.

I am currently sitting on the couch with Olivia and Liam waiting for Cayden to be done with some pack business for his father. Since he is going to be taking over the Alpha position soon his father is trying to include him in all of the pack business and ease him into the responsibility. Cayden will make a great Alpha, he is already loved and well respected among the pack members. Especially the children, they adore him.

I looked over at Liam and Olivia and they were at it again. Can't they get a room nobody really wants to watch them make out.  Not to mention sitting next  to them is pretty awkward.

I got up and exited the room, not wanting to be near the two love birds anymore. I went outside and decided to explore. I have been here for awhile now but I have never really taking the time to look around the packgrounds.

" Hey Aria"  I turned around to see who was calling my name. It was Alex.

" Hey Alex whats up"

" Nothing what are you up to"

" Well I thought I would  look around I have really only seen the clearing and the pack house since I have been here"

" Oh would you like me to show you around since Cayden is busy right now."

" sure"

We walked around the pack grounds. There were housing for the families who didn't want to live in the pack house. Each of the housing was a small cabin all roughly the same size. The back house was located in the center of the pack grounds and the smaller cabins surrounded it but still were a good half a mile from the perimeter.

As we walked around, Alex introduced me to a few of the pack members that I haven't met before. He also showed me were the teens tend to hang out after school and meetings. He said that they were having a party this weekend in the clearing and that Cayden and I should go.

We walked around for about another half hour before we headed back towards the pack house. As we reached the doors, we spotted Anna and Sara playing outside with a few of the other children outside. Once Anna saw me, she ran over to me and hugged my legs.

" Hi Anna are you having fun"

" Yeah sissy Cayden won't play dress up with us"

" Im sorry"

"  Can I have a piggy back"

" Maybe later"  I replied and she turn to Alex who she really hasn't met before and gave him a cute little smile.

" Hi" she said still smiling up at him.

" Hey"

" Do you want to play with us"

" um..." He said looking over at me almost pleading with me to help him out of this.

" Anna he doesn't want to play dress up, why don't you go play with the rest of the kids"

" Ok" She pouted walking away.

" Hey Anna how about I give you that piggy back ride" He said not liking how she was said. Wow does my sister have every male wrapped around her little finger.

" OK" she said skipping back towards us with the smile back on her face.

Alex bent down for her to climb on his back and as soon as she touched him he froze. I thought I heard him mutter "Mine", but I doubt it she is only three so they can't be mates.

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