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Manchester, England. My heart is with you and I pray for this world as a whole. 

If some of you don't know about this (which I doubt) Ariana Grande was performing at an area in the UK and she had finished performing when an explosion went off. It turned out to be a bomb and about 20 people died with about 50 injured. 

Ariana, I am so sorry. I hope she's okay and well. I cant imagine what shes thinking about right now. We are here for you and have so much love for you. 

I pray for all that were involved and their families. I hope you're all okay. I am so sorry this has happened and that we live in such a cruel world. Everyone that is lost, I hope you find your friends/family. Please please please stay safe. 

I'm sickened by this tragedy. Concerts are a place for fun and enjoyment but its been ruined. I wish we didn't have to experience such hatefulness and violence. 

Remembering all the beautiful lives taken from us and thinking about everyone effected. This is so so so heart breaking. I would never wish this on my worst enemy. Please just know that this isn't a joke and so many people's lives are damaged. My deepest condolences go out to the families and friends of those who they have lost.

Some may have thought this was an update. I wanted to use my platform to speak about something that mattered and I refuse to say sorry for that. 


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