14 | We Made Up Our Mind

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Time has flied by. Seems like just last week I was going to any other appointment but now, today I am finding out the sex of the baby.

Also, Ben has been asking for an answer to his marriage proposal and I honestly don't have one. If he mentions it I say we will talk about it later. It sounds awful to say but I'm avoiding thinking and talking about it.

I'm not really as excited as I should be though. Ricky and I still haven't decided what we were going to do about the situation. My mom and dad have been fighting over it continuously. Ricky doesn't want to put the baby up for adoption neither does my dad. But my mom has been trying to convince me to do what I think is right and that if I don't think I can provide for the baby then I should think about adoption. It was all I was thinking about and talking about with everyone.

Ricky and I talk here and there but its always about the adoption thing. I didn't tell him that I could find out the sex of the baby yet. I told Madison, Lauren and Ben and obviously my family knew. They were all so excited to find out whereas I was kind of dreading it. Seeing the baby on the screen made me emotional, it made me think about adoption and how horrible it will be to give birth to not just a child my child then give it to a couple. It made me think about if we did keep the baby I wouldn't be able to provide for it.

Its lunch right now and I'm going to tell Ricky that I am finding out the sex of the baby. I don't want him there because I'm not quite comfortable with him right now, even though we were quite comfortable at band camp.

I see him sitting at a table with his lunch tray by himself. I take a deep breath and walk towards him. When he turns around and sees me he gives me a confused look so I awkwardly wave as I walk closer to him. I set my belongings down and sit next to him.

"Hey." He greets.

"Hi," I begin giving him a small smile, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm finding out the gender of the baby today at my appointment."

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted me to call you to tell you or something." I replied taking out the water bottle I had in my bag and taking a sip out of it.

"Could I come with you?" He asks.

"I don't know..." I trail off, "I'm not really that comfortable with you seeing my stomach." I tell him awkwardly.

"Come on, Amy. I've never been to one of your appointments before. I want to go." He tells me and I think about it for a moment.

"Fine, I guess you can come with me." I give in with a small sigh.

"Thank you, Amy. It means a lot."


I've been waiting for Ricky for fifteen minutes. After I told him to be at my house by 3 so we can get to the appointment by 3:30 he said he'd be here. But look where I am now. Sitting on my couch waiting for him to knock on my door. I told my mom that she didn't need to come with me because Ricky was. She was surprised and insisted on coming until I finally convinced her she didn't have to come. My mom left to go grocery shopping. my dad is still at work and Ashley is hiding in her room like she usually is.

After waiting a couple more minutes I finally heard a knock on the door. When I opened it I was surprised to see it was Ben and Ricky at the door. My mouth fell open at the sight.

"Ben what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Thought I'd offer my support and come with you but I guess Ricky is going with you." He replies looking over to Ricky then looking back at me.

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