3 | Double Check and Cute Boys

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I knew telling my two old friends was going to be hard. All of these thoughts wouldn't stop running through my mind. Would they still be my friends? Would they stick up for me when I was being made fun of or being called cruel names? I hope they would but lets face it. Some of the things that they were going to say is true. I'm feeling guilty for what I did this summer. Guilty because I didn't want to put my family through this because of something stupid I am responsible for. They didn't deserve to go through this. I feel guilty not only for that but for how disappointed they are going to be. Never did would they expect me to get pregnant at my young age. I was a good girl that did everything right. I got good grades, I did what my parents asked me to do and I didn't do anything I wasn't supposed to do. How could I mess up now?

"You had sex?" They both gasp in unison with the same surprised expression plastered on their faces.

"Yeah." I whispered back as tears continued to stream done my face.

"With who?" Lauren asks.

"Ricky." I mutter to them.

That's when their eyes really go wide and their mouths become wide open.

"Wow," They reply with shock in their voice.

"That's not the worst part guys." I inform them and they both give me a questioning look. "I'm pregnant and its his baby." I whisper.


When I told the two girls I was surprised to see that they are going to be supportive in my pregnancy. They asked me if I was okay and if I needed anything. I loved them two for being so supportive and I know I can count on them for the rest of my high school years. It made me feel better knowing that I had not only one person to find support in but two. Also when I told them they said we could get more pregnancy tests as soon as we get out of school just to make sure again that I was for sure pregnant.

I am currently sitting in English class that I didn't have with Madison or Lauren which was disappointing. The teacher seems okay I guess and so did the people in this class. I am sitting behind a really cute guy named Ben when I sat here he smiled at me and said hello which of course made me blush because I am not really used to talking to guys all that much. It's almost the end of this period when the teacher says to partner up with someone we don't know to find out more about each other. When the teacher had said that Ben turned around and asked shyly if I wanted to team up with him for the rest of the class and I of course said that I would work with him. We have to write down some things that we learned about each other so we have proof that we actually did what we were told.

"So Amy, whats your favorite color?" Ben asks moving his desk so we are sitting next to each other side by side.

"Purple for sure." I reply quietly playing with my hands that are placed in my lap.

"Nice, I like red," He tells me and we both write that down on our paper, "Now you ask me a question."

"Okay," I reply thinking of a question to ask, "How many siblings do you have? What ages and gender?"

"No siblings." He informs me with a small smile.

"Lucky, I have a moody thirteen year old sister." I tell him followed by a small giggle escaping my lips.
For some reason Ben made me feel all giddy inside.

"Sounds fun," He responds, "Hobbies?"

"I play french horn actually." I answer him.

"That's really cool. How long have you been playing?" He questions.

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