16 | Part Two

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Read the Authors Note at the end please, the surprise is located there and other things :)

To say this was awkward would be an understatement. Currently we are both sitting down in my room, I sitting on the edge of my bed and Ben sitting at my desk chair. We have been sitting here in pure silence for a few minutes now.

Deciding to be the one to start the conversation I ask, "So, how are you?"

His eyes keep their focus on mine and he seems shocked that I have started the conversation. Its like I asked him a serious question because he doesn't answer for a few moments and it's almost like he thinks about it for a second before answering.

"Uh, I'm okay. I missed you though." He admits to me with a half smile.

"I missed you too." I reply truthfully with a smile of my own.

"Hows the baby?" He asks glancing down at my stomach then looking back up at me.

I place my hand on my round belly and rub it for a second.

"He's really good we have an appointment in a few days." I tell him.

"Oh, yeah the babies a boy. I remember you telling me that the other day when we talked for a solid two minutes," he laughs. "I never realized how many appointments you have to go to when you're pregnant until I met you." He replies with another chuckle.

I laugh back and say, "I know right! I remember going to a few of my moms when she was having Ashley but I didn't think there were going to be so many appointments."

"I wish I would've been able to go to one with you."

"I'd like that if you did. Maybe Ricky can skip this appointment and instead you go with me?" I suggest with hope bubbling up inside of me.

It seems like Ben isn't mad at me but it all depends on how this whole talk goes. I don't want to get my hopes up for anything. When he said he wished he could've it made me feel like there would be a reason he wouldn't be able to go to a future one with me.

"That sounds great." He agrees with no enthusiasm and only a small smile is on his face.

All hope bubbles done when I realize how downbeat he seems about coming to my next appointment. Tears were already building up and I didn't know why I was getting emotional about nothing. I mean, he said it sounded great didn't he?

I quickly blink the tears threatening to spill out so there's no sign of emotion on my face. The last thing we need in this conversation are tears and emotions from me being all over the place.

"You don't seem to enthusiastic about it." I say doubtfully.

"I just think we should talk about things before we make plans on going to your appointment together or anything." He points out.

"Oh okay, yeah." I reply nodding my head then tucking away a strand of hair that got loose.

"Why haven't we been talking much lately, Amy?" He asks leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

"I don't know, I've just been busy with appointments and my parents." I answer him shrugging my shoulders.

"And Ricky." He sighs.

"Ben, he is the dad of my baby. I can't shut him out if he wants to go to the appointments he can. We have been spending time together talking about the baby. This is all for the baby and that's it. Nothing more - nothing less." I explain to him truthfully.

"Okay, I understand that. But maybe it's the wrong time for us right now then." He says and it feels like he just stabbed me in the heart.

You know that feeling in your heart you get when something so emotionally painful happens to you and you can feel it in your stomach and heart? Yeah, that's what I am feeling right now but the feeling is still lingering there.

"What?" I squeak out. "No! We can't do that. I want us to be together. I love you." I tell him as the tears I wanted to avoid oh so badly brim my eyes then begin to spill out uncontrollably.

"I love you too, Amy but we barely talk anymore and everything is so messed up right now."

"Please can we fix this? I will do anything to fix this." I plead to him as I sob nonstop.

"I don't know." He replies shaking his head quickly.

"Please!" I beg.

"Amy, I can't do this. I don't want to break up either but maybe after you have the baby it'll be the right time for us. I think it will be better for us to have a break." He says then stands up from the chair he was sitting on before.

"Ben, don't do this. We can fix this I know we can." I continuously beg him and wipe at the tears that are falling down my face.

He doesn't reply but instead wraps his arms around me tightly. I clutch onto his shirt and shove my face into his cotton shirt. The tears wont stop no matter how hard I try to get them too.

Ben pulls away from me too quickly then presses a light peck on my lips. "Sorry, Amy." He whispers and I clutch onto him and pull him back towards me.

Before I even think about what I am doing I reattach our lips. My hand goes to the back of his head and I press his lips harder onto mine. We have never kissed like this before. Sure we have kissed before but that kisses never lasted for than ten seconds. I can taste the salty tears as we kiss.

At first he doesn't do anything back but then he lights pushes me away from him then quickly walks out of my room without a second glance.

And that's when the real tears began.



And  the surprise is, there will be a bonus chapter connected to chapter 16. I don't know when it will be posted but stay tuned!

You would know I was updating if you have me on Snapchat : wattpad-bailey ;) Also, follow me on twitter pretty please! wattpadbailey

What did you guys think? Were you guys team Ben? Comment your thoughts of the chapter below please. Don't forget to vote and share too! It motivates me to update faster.

Linked there is a cover I made! I would've had this chapter up sooner if I didn't decide to make a picture lol sorry. And the song is 'Say Something (I'm Giving Up On You)' by A Great Big World. I chose this song because its a sad song that I think is a good breakup song.

I'm pretty proud of this chapter I don't know why why lol I hope you guys like it too!

QOTC: Have you ever been through a bad breakup??

Update: Tomorrow or Thursday. Time passes after the breakup and you'll see how Amy and Ben are doing post breakup.

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