5 | Crazy Ideas and Winks

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Ben and I have been on the phone for a couple of hours now. I'm in my room laying on my bed as we talk about random things. We even made plans to hang out this week on Friday at a carnival. As we talked on the phone excitement builded up in my body. I don't know how Ben did it but he managed to make me smile when he wasn't even talking about anything particular. It's weird that he has the type of effect on me because no one has ever made me feel like this and I don't really know what to do about it.

He says that he has to go and I'm now greeted by disappointment that we aren't going to see each other until tomorrow at school. He tells me that he will see me at school tomorrow and I bid my goodbye to him over the phone. I set my phone done on my end table then lay back down on my bed. A smile is plastered on my face from talking to Ben for so long. Happiness.

I can't wait until tomorrow so I can tell Madison and Lauren. They are going to be so happy that I have a date. Maybe this will get my mind off of having to tell Ricky and my troubles I'm currently having at home.

I get up from my bed and throw on a pair of flannel pants and a light tank top as pajamas. I pull the covers open on my bed then tuck myself under the blanket. Almost as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall into a deep sleep with a huge smile on my face and it's all because of Ben.


When I got to school this morning I looked for Lauren and Madison right away. I found them and told them about hanging out with Ben on Friday which is in two days. They said that they were both happy for me but that I needed to tell him about Ricky and me being pregnant. I totally agree with both of them but I don't exactly know how I am going to tell him. I don't want him to think less of me for it either.

Right now it is lunch time and I am sitting outside at a table with Madison and Lauren.

"I think you should tell him while you guys are at the carnival." Madison says as she sips on her water bottle that she got with her lunch. Lauren quickly shakes her head at Madison's suggestion.

"No that's a horrible idea," Lauren denies, "you should tell him after. Have fun on the date then tell him and see what happens."

I think about both of their suggestions carefully and try to decide what I should do. I just know that no matter how I tell him it has to be soon. Madison and Lauren begin to argue about when and how I should tell him and I quickly put a stop to it.

"Guys stop," I scold at the both of them, "we are going on one date shouldn't I wait a little while. I haven't even told the father of the baby."

When I say that I realize that I actually said that quite loud so I begin to look around our table frantically. There's no one around us paying attention so I think I'm safe. I look back at the both of them.

"That's true." Lauren agrees nodding her head but Madison shakes her head at the both of us.

"I think he should know before you guys start going on dates. What if you don't have the courage to tell him right away and he doesn't know until you get a big belly. Then boom he hates you."

"It's not going to happen like that Madison," I deny with a scoff, "I'll tell him after I tell Ricky. I think Ricky should know before Ben does. Ricky is the dad not Ben."

"I have an idea!" Madison blurts out with a mischievous grin on her face. She leans closer to us as if she's spilling secrets. "Have sex with Ben then you can just say that it's his baby."

Her words make my eyes go wide. Is she crazy? Why would I lie about something like that? I'll never lie about the babies dad. Laurens eyes also go wide and she quickly shakes her head as she shoots a are-you-crazy look at her.

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