10 | 12 Weeks and Pushing Him Away

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I have another appointment today. I am now about three months pregnant. I haven't talked to been since he called me the other day, I've been avoiding him like the flu. He'd try to talk to me but I'd ignore or make up different excuses of why I couldn't talk to him. He's also been texting me and calling me which I also ignore, I know I have to talk to him soon and I think I might before the appointment. I haven't talked to my two best friends much either. They both apologized and I forgave them but we haven't had enough time to really speak to each other.

My stomach is starting to show a bit so I have been wearing bigger clothes. Even though people have figured out

I'm leaving school a little early for the appointment so I am going to text Ben and have him meet me at my locker before I leave. I am going to admit to him what happened and tell him who the father is too. He deserves to know and I don't think I can keep it from him for much longer.

When you get dismissed in this school your mom calls then the councilor will give you a slip. The slip says what time you are being dismissed, the date, your name and a stamped signature. It's five minutes before I have to leave so I show the slip to my teacher and she nods her head. I told her ahead of time I was getting dismissed so she gave me everything I was going to miss. Once I am out of the classroom I type out a message to Ben so he can meet me. About two minutes later he replied with a short okay.

I make my way to my locker and wait for him. I lean against the locker and place my hands on my stomach and trace small circles.

"Hey." I hear a voice say. I turn and see that it's indeed Ben.

"Hi," I greet to him, "thank you for meeting me."

"No problem. Whats up?" He asks with a smile as he shoves both of his hands in his pockets.

"I just wanted to talk to you about what you asked me on the phone the other day." I tell him.

"Okay, I an sorry for ambushing you on the phone like that. I should've talked to you in person, I know but I really just had to say it." He blurts out nervously and I nod my head at him.

"I understand why you did Ben. But it is true..." I tell him awkwardly fiddling with my hands.

"I kind of figured with the way you reacted..." He trails off.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." I apologize sincerely and my eyes become filled with water and blur my vision. I blink a few times and a few stray tears fall down my cheeks. Ben wraps his arms around me and I place my hands on his back as he squeezes me tightly in a comforting way. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath.

"It's okay Amy, I'll do anything to help you."

"I'm just so sorry Ben." I repeat.

"Me too, Amy."


I didn't end up getting to the office until ten minutes later after talking to Ben. We talked a little and kissed a lot. Ben makes me feel all giddy and I get butterflies in my belly when I am around you and no it's not because of the baby. I can't stop thinking about him. We are at the appointment right now and this time it is taking a little longer to get in the room than last time.

I have been looking threw a couple different magazines that say a lot about pregnancy and taking care of a baby. I have learned a lot about what I should and shouldn't be eating and what happens throughout the pregnancy. I'll have to go to the bathroom a lot, my feet may swell and I'll continue to get morning sickness.

"Amy Juergens." The nurse calls out and both my mother and I bounce to out feet and make our way into the doctors room.

When I get inside I do what I did last time and lay on the bed whereas my mom sits on the chair next to me. A few moments later there is a soft knock on the door. I tell her that she can come in an Dr. Floyd comes in.

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