Chapter Forty Two

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"You'll never be able to do it!" He yelled in spite of frustration, crossing his arms.

"Just watch me!" I shouted back, anger seeping into my flesh. My blood boiled at my brother's words. "When I grow up, I'll be able to bring Mother's legacy back!"

He shook his head and glared at me harshly, "Her legacy died when she passed away! You won't be able to, even if you tried."

"I will, and I'll do it with or without you!" I glared back at him, my hand in fists. "If I can't, then I'll bring Dad's gang back together! And you won't be a part of it!"

"Fine by me, you criminal!"

I slipped on my gloves, letting the smell of sawdust fill the air. So we have intruders, do we? I grabbed a gun from one of my cabinets and loaded it, slipping it into my pocket. My boots clapped against the floor with a thudding noise as I left the room, my face blank. I'll prove to him. I'll prove that I'll be able to do it.

Our parents will be proud of me.

Olivia Hernandez

"We need to get out of here, quick!" Bri squeaked quickly. "If I'm right, I'm betting that they already know you came here to save us."

I nodded, "If that's true, then they'll be here any second."

My shoes were back on my feet, and I had slipped on my flannel since it was cold. The sun hadn't risen yet, thank goodness, and the two said that Jen and Kevin were about a mile away from us with a van. I guess you could say they were our base. Alex and Cody helped me through the window, and then Bri after me. They both slipped by too, and we landed in a wheat field, grass tickling our toes. A beeping alarm began ringing behind us, and I heard Cody curse under his breath.

"They're most likely warning other men that we just escaped."

"Let's hurry then," Alex replied, grabbing my hand. "We shouldn't waste any more time."

We all began booking it down the fields, trying our best not to trip or fall. I haven't seen myself run as fast as this ever before. My heart was beating furiously since I knew something was going to stop us and bring Alex near death. I let out a shaky breath as Alex continued dragging me by the arm. He turned back to see if I was alright a couple of times, which made me feel a little more comfortable.

Cody was helping Bri run, since she had fractured her foot a few meters behind when she tripped on an old barrel. They were behind us, Cody carrying her over his shoulder. She kept watch for anyone behind us, which was good, but also worrisome. I can't believe this is actually happening. I let out another breath, though it was much more calm. It was probably four in the morning, and I still couldn't see Kevin's van at all.

"Someone is following us!" Bri squeaked. "It looks like two men, and that's it!"

"Fuck!" Cody cursed loudly, stopping in his tracks. He put Bri down, and Alex stopped as well. Cody looked at Alex, and the two both nodded at each other. Cody then looked over at us. "You guys go on ahead. We'll take care of them. Just keep running in that direction."


Alex interrupted me, putting his hand over my mouth. He gave me a delicate smile, "You trust me, right Olivia?" I nodded slowly, my eyes wide. "Then trust me on this." I looked down, hesitant to agree. I didn't want him to just leave all of a sudden with a bad feeling settling in my stomach. I bit my tongue from retorting and reluctantly nodded.

Bri shook her head defiantly. "No way! Let's just go right now and escape!"

"But if we let them follow us, they'll be able to track us down!" Cody exclaimed, arguing back, "It's best to finish it now. We don't have time! Just go!"

"Over my dead body—!!"

Cody put his hands on her face, squishing her cheeks in his hands. He glared at her with his brown eyes and pulled her into an aggressive kiss. Her eyes widened suddenly, and he pulled back soon after, still glaring at her. Then, he grabbed her shoulders, turned her around, and pushed her to me.

"Now go!" He ordered.

I grabbed her arm and looped it over my shoulders, starting to run as fast as I could with her in tow. Alex and Cody ran towards the men who were following us, and the rest was a blur. Alex, Cody, please be alright. I didn't know why, but I kept on thinking of all the possible ways that Alex was going to be killed. I wanted to be prepared to save him.

After I drop off Bri, I'm running straight back.

A few minutes passed, and I was breathing heavily as I hauled Bri over to the van a few meters away. Jen opened the door and saw me collapse to the ground, hidden in the tall grass. She called for Kevin, and they found both Bri and me on the ground. They helped us towards the van, and Jen helped with our injuries.

"So you're telling me that my stupid little brother left with your stupid boyfriend, to beat up just two guys?" Kevin repeated.

Bri nodded to answer his question, ignoring the "boyfriend" part. "Cody said something about them following us with the rest of their gang if we let them go."

Jen nodded with her hand to her chin, thinking through the explanation, "That's actually smart. Very likely as well." She crossed her arms and looked at us, where we were sat down on in the van. "But if Alex and Cody are that strong, while also taking into accountability about one of Daniel's men back at the graveyard two years ago, shouldn't they be back by now?"

"I'm going to bet more people came and cornered them into the building," Kevin muttered.

"Let's go save them then!" I exclaimed, standing up slightly.

Bri pulled on my arm, making me look down at her. "Hold on just a minute, Olivia. Contact them first, and if they don't reply or ask for help, we'll go. If they're perfectly fine and still going strong, then we should be good and stay here until their next message."

I paused at her suggestion, my hands clenching into tight fists. She's right. But I really want to go... Sighing, I sat down.

Bio-Link To: Alex James
Alex! Are you okay??

Alex James

"Fuck off asshats!" I yelled, slamming two men's heads together.

They fell to the floor, unconscious, and I spotted Cody fighting off about three behind me. When Olivia and Bri left, more came as soon as we defeated the first two. I had turned off my tech brain to concentrate more while fighting, but my killer instincts were still itching to pounce. It was easy, but the more men coming, the more frustrating it was. Cody and I were still at full power with barely any injuries, but it seemed as if my father and Daniel were planning on wearing us out, and then sending their best men to take us down.

Fuck, we can't hold this any longer.

"Cody!" I shouted, elbowing a man in the face, who was about to charge at me. "We have to defeat Daniel and my dad first!"

Cody kicked someone and looked over at me, nodding. "Let's go then!"

We then began fighting our way through the men, crawling into the grounds of our enemies. Before I could walk into the building, I looked back at the direction to where Olivia and the others would be. Please don't come back here, Olivia. It's too dangerous. I wanted to walk back and just retreat, but that would've been to risky. The men were starting to become conscious, and if we woke them up while retreating, it would be hell.

I sighed and walked in.

"Let's go," I said to Cody, who was looking at me as if he knew I was torturing myself inside.

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