Chapter Thirteen

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Third Person POV

Who knows how long it had been since Olivia's incident. Alex, his brother Kevin, and Jen (Olivia's companions) had been waiting for her to wake up. Kevin had been sharing his room with Jen since she insisted on staying with them in case they got the news of Olivia's awakening. Alex was moping around on the daily, staring solemnly at the empty desk next to his in school.

Hours had flown by.



And yet, she didn't wake up.

It had been two months, and winter break was already coming up. Olivia's room was filled with assignments and extra credit work from her school, who didn't know how bad the condition was. Speaking of Olivia's condition, it seemed unreal.

Just like her mother's.

Alex had seemed to progress in violence more and more as the days flew by, which Felicity had been worried about. She would try to ask her son what was wrong, but he would never listen. He would trample up the stairs to his room, slamming his door shut in his mother's face. Kevin had also volunteered to ask why he was acting strangely, but his response was the same.

Alex's grades dropped increasingly, he had more time in the detention room, and more time was spent in the nurses' office, where Felicity would treat him. Alex had stayed down in low privacy, though the more he progressed in violence, the more he was known and feared in the school, even as a sophomore. His family was confused and worried, but Jen had a tiny clue of his sudden wild behavior.

Every day after school, Alex would visit Olivia's hospital room. He would tell her stories, send messages to her from her father, even though he knew she wouldn't be able to hear him.


Alex James

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I drawled, giving the senior a sarcastic look.

The senior laughed, and his friends began laughing with him. Was it really amusing, or was he just trying to keep his cool? He suddenly punched the wall next to my head, which didn't rile me up at all. In fact, his wince was more of a reaction than I had. So much for keeping his cool. I guess not.

"Oh really, you pathetic loser? So you clearly can't see my food on the floor, caused by your clumsy hands?"

I crossed my arms, "I could've mopped the floor with your face, but I decided not to. I'm treating you with respect you deserve, man. You should appreciate it for once in your shitty life."

"Why you—"

A familiar male voice shouted, "Alright! Back it up! Get to class; there's nothing to see here!"

Everyone began clearing the way, shoving themselves into their designated classrooms. Now, it was just me, standing across from Kevin and Jen. Jen's arms were crossed over her chest as if she were annoyed by my sudden change of heart, and Kevin was staring at me with a disappointed look.

"What?" I snapped.

"You've changed, Alex," Kevin stated the obvious.

Jen nodded, agreeing with Kevin's sentence, "And that's why we're taking you out of school for now. Something important came up."

"Sweet! No school." Before I could rush off, Kevin grabbed my arm. I turned around and glared harshly, my eyes projecting venom at him. "Let go. I'm going to check up on Olivia."

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