Chapter Thirty Nine [400 Read Mark]

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"Olivia.." I whispered quietly, trying to wake her up.

Mom was home after working a part-time job at the grocery store. (She loved working everywhere and anywhere; some could call her a workaholic). Dinner was almost ready, and Olivia was still asleep on my bed. She was a deep sleeper, so waking her up was like telling me to stop binge watching compilations of weird facts. It's almost impossible. Olivia turned to the other side, and I sighed heavily. Jesus, woman! How long must you sleep until you wake up?

I leaned over, poking her cheek. "Wake up!" I said a little louder. "C'mon, dinner's ready!"

"No.." she murmured. I gave up right then and there. Quickly, I picked her up, and she squealed, waking up from her nap. She looked at me with her cheeks puffed out, "What the hell, Alex?!"

I smiled, "You wouldn't wake up."

This only made her angrier, and her cheeks turned bright pink. "Oh for the love of— put me down!" I set her down onto her feet, and she stood up straight, pulling on her sweater. She walked out, and I tried to hold in my laughter as she ignored me all the way down the stairs.

"C'mon Olivia," I teased, "Don't be so mad."

She stopped before the dining room and put her hands on her hips, glaring up at me. Pfft. A hand was to my mouth to keep me from snickering. She's so short. "I am not mad! Correction, I am ANNOYED. My sleep is makeup, and you waking me up is like a makeup wipe. They don't. Go. Together!"

She turned around in defiance and crossed her arms. I hugged her from behind, hanging my head on hers. She squealed once again at my actions, slightly startled. My arms rested on her shoulders, and she looked up at me bitterly, but her pink cheeks gave her fluster away. I kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

She puffed her cheeks out again, which she usually did when she was mad (though it only made her appear more adorable). "Just because you kiss me doesn't mean I'll forgive you."

I laughed and let her go as she walked towards the dining table in search.



The next day at school, Olivia decided to attend this time. She had told me about this dream where I had supposedly died. I acted surprised, even though I had the same dream. My future self told me that it was the last time it would repeat, and that he was almost dead. I remembered telling myself I'd fight as hard as I could, for her sake. His response was that I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I could do nothing to stop it.

"So we have an assembly today?" I asked Olivia as we walked towards the auditorium.

She nodded, "Supposedly. I think it's weird, since they would usually announce the reason for the assembly. I guess it's probably a surprise."

We walked through the doors and saw Bri waving us over. She and Cody were sat down already, and we took the seats next to them in the corner of the auditorium. Everyone began whispering when a man that no one recognized walked onto the stage. He grabbed the microphone and tested it, to make sure it worked by patting the foam end.

"Welcome, students of this pathetic school," the man said, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Immediately everyone began to question who he was and why he insulted our school, but I unfortunately knew that voice.

"Where's the principal?"

"Someone get the principal!"

"Who the fuck is he?"

That voice..

"Alex.." Olivia whispered. A shiver ran down her spine, almost like she recognized it. "I-Is he.."

"My fucking father..?!" I muttered to myself. "What the fuck is this bastard doing here?"

Dad smiled once again. "Ah.. I remember this weak school." He walked around the stage, his arms out as he gestured to random things. "I wished for my children to enter this school. And they did. Or so I've heard of." He looked around, but couldn't spot us since we were in the darkest spot in the auditorium. "Do you remember, my dear Alex? Remember when you begged both your mother and me to let you into this school?"

"WHO ARE YOU?" Someone yelled from the crowd.

Dad looked at the brave senior. "Who am I? Why, I'm Alex's father. Your beloved king's father." Right then and there, I wanted to yell at him, tell him I was never his son, but Olivia was clutching onto my sweater so tightly that it flew over my head as a thought. "Where are you, Alex? Come out, or I'll take your girlfriend from you. I heard my friend Daniel needed her for an experiment."

Olivia shivered at the word "experiment", and I glared dead into Dad's skull. Everyone began murmuring and freaking out, but the doors were closed shut. Bri took in a breath and trembled as the cold AC blasted into the auditorium. Cody's arm was in front of her, just to protect her from any harm. I glanced at Olivia, and she looked back at me with terrified green eyes. She's scared.

"I'm going up there, okay?" I whispered.

She shook her head. "Alex, no!"

I kissed her cheek, and tears began running down her eyes. She's scared that this is what will cause my "death". I smiled and said quietly, "I'll be alright. I promise."

I gave her a small hug, as to which she hugged back tightly. We let go of each other, and she reluctantly watched as I walked down the dark aisle, appearing out from the shadows. Dad peered at me with a glint in his dim blue eyes.

I hate that I have his eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked in a loud voice, glaring at him with pure hatred.

Dad smiled, and he leaned into the microphone, saying with a soft voice, "To capture your girlfriend."

Suddenly, the doors burst open, and someone grabbed Olivia, who began screaming. Cody was knocked out cold by one of the men. Bri tried to grab onto Olivia, but someone else snatched her instead, and the men in black began running off, shutting the doors once again. My father was so busy cackling as people began to scream at the sudden ambush.

This bastard...

I walked up to the stage and reached forward, punching him square in the jaw. He fell to the floor like a pathetic little rag doll. He looked up, and I glared down at him, my foot on his chest to keep him down. My blue eyes felt like piercing daggers into his fucking soul. Even his eyes widened in terror at his own son.

"You built this monster," I told him, grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards me. He began to breath heavily, his gaze showing fear. My eyes pierced into his. "So now, you experience the rage of the MONSTER."


In the future chapters, Alex's killer instincts (which were engraved in his techno brain) will begin to enhance. So beware of blood and killing soon.

To sum it up and remind you, Alex and Olivia both have half of a techno brain. I have also forgot to say earlier that the tech brains they have actual used to be a whole, in which it was a prototype of a science experiment.

The brains were then split in two and given to the two teens for their survival.

Having different instincts is also part of the prototype malfunction. Since the techno brain is only able to connect to the head down to the hips, only things in that range are affected.

Alex had inherited the killer instincts while Olivia is still unknown. Even I don't know what instincts/advanced human abilities I'll give her.

Anyway, THANKS FOR 400 reads!!!

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