Chapter Twenty Three

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"These are so good!" Jen exclaimed, stuffing her face with oatmeal cookies.

I laughed a little at her excitement. The four of us stopped at the dining table, where both Jen and Alex were shoving as many cookies as they could into their mouths. Kevin, who wasn't hungry, declined the offer. "Felicity should be back soon," I noted, informing them. "She went to buy some groceries," I stood up and said, "so I'll be taking a shower."

"This early?" Jen questioned, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded. "I want to visit my father today before it's too late."

"Oh!" She replied and nodded, understanding. "Right! Can I come with you? I've never met him before."



"Good afternoon, Dad!" I exclaimed, hopping down to the floor in front of his cell. Dad got up from his nap on the floor, giving me a small and tired smile. I pointed at Jen, who sat down next to me shyly, and said, "This is my best friend, Jen."

"I-It's nice to meet you," Jen said, trying to act mature even though she was a big goofball.

Dad nodded, "Right back at ya, kid."

We continued talking for a long time, probably until Kevin had to tell Felicity where we were so she wouldn't freak out. Alex and Kevin had joined us when talking to my dad, which made him feel much more better. I guess he didn't like to be intimidating to others. I heard that Dad was beaten up by two other guys during lunch, and I immediately wanted to report it, but Dad said not to. It made me a little irked as to why, and I reluctantly obeyed. Soon, we had to leave, which was a huge bummer. I want to catch up with him, since he's more sober than he's ever been in his life.

Even as we left, I could sense a faint presence behind me. I could tell Alex did as well. Thinking quickly, I called over to Jen, "You and Kevin can go ahead. I think I forgot something." She didn't question it and nodded, pulling on Kevin's arm toward the car.

"You can come out now, Meladia," Alex said, gesturing over to Mom's hiding figure.

Mom slithered out from her hiding spot. She crossed her arms and asked, "How'd you see me? I thought that was a good hiding spot!"

I giggled at her childish behavior, a hand to my mouth to keep it in. "We have techno brains, you know."

We slowly strolled to the car as Mom drifted next to us. "You better not be cheating with those brains of yours. OR sharing answers during tests."

"Alex tried to bio-link me for an answer on class work," I tattled, making Alex cough on the water he was drinking from his bottle.

Mom turned to Alex instantly, and he shivered at her deathly gaze. "ALEXANDER JAMES. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO USE MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER AS AN ANSWER KEY? Oh, tell your mother I said hi again! Mm, THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT. ALEX, YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN THAT." She clicked her tongue, shaking her head in disappointment. "TEENAGERS THESE DAYS!"

I snickered a little, and Mom drifted back. She said something about having to leave. Immediately after she left, Alex glared at me. "Why you little..!"

I laughed enthusiastically and started bolting towards the car. Alex ran after me, yelling insults that bounced off of me without a care in the world.


As we stopped at a red light, Kevin turned back to look at us. "Ice cream?" He asked.


Jen and I looked towards each others with our eyes sparkling. We high-fived each other as I laughed at our excitement. Alex was currently resting; not sleeping, but resting. He was saving up his energy to resume his techno brain, as he had told me with the last drop of energy he had before passing out. I leaned back and let out a breath, sighing deeply.

"Next week is the winter dance," I remembered.

Jen laughed and tossed me a smile, "Geez, don't look so excited over there, Livvy."

"I just can't wait," I replied, sarcasm drenching my words as I rolled my eyes. I turned to her. "Do you know what I'm looking forward to?"

"Enlighten us," Kevin replied.

I snickered while saying, "I can't wait to go home and wear my pajamas after the dance."

Jen stuck her tongue out at me. "Party pooper!"

"I'd rather be a party pooper than be some kind of lame princess," I chided.

Jen dramatically gasped, as if she was offended. "Excuse me! I'm going to look like a princess at the dance, so don't insult me!" I giggled at her reaction as Kevin stopped at a red light once again.

"Hey, Olivia. Get a blanket from the back and put it on Alex for me," Kevin said. His eyes stared at the lights. "That dumbass might get sick."

I took off my seatbelt and stood on my knees, pulling a fluffy red blanket from the back. Quickly putting on my seatbelt, I pulled the blanket over Alex, who was sleeping pleasantly while drooling on the blanket. He looks, almost, cute when he's sleeping. I felt as if I was a creep, so I looked ahead of me, averting my gaze. After a few minutes, we reached the ice cream parlor. I poked Alex's cheek, trying to wake him up.

"Alex!" I yelled in a whisper. "Wake up!"

He ignored me and continued snoring his lazy ass away. I quickly became annoyed after a few moments of trying to wake him up and pulled the blanket off of him, throwing it over to the back. As I pulled my leg up, I pulled off my shoe and chucked it at him. He immediately woke up, finally awake.

"Flying pigs?! Where?!"

I slipped on my shoe again and huffed. Though his words were silly, I was too annoyed already. First, the dance, and now his loud ass snores coming from nowhere. Damn! He acts like he hasn't slept in a year.

"We're at the ice cream parlor, so hurry the hell up!" I pushed myself out of the car and slammed the door shut.

Alex muttered, "Jesus, woman.. Who pissed in your Froot Loops this morning..?"

(A/N if anyone gets that reference, I love you)

"Nobody," I replied as we walked begin Jen and Kevin towards the parlor. "But it seems as if someone had done so to you, knowing you shove your face hole with a bunch of shit anyway."

Alex rolled his eyes and put his arm on my head, as if I were an armrest. "Whatever," he muttered. "You're such a pissy little lady."

I swear we were just children in teenage bodies.

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