Chapter Thirty Eight [300 Read Mark]

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Olivia Hernandez

Another.. dream?

The familiar floating feeling filled my stomach.

I could hear someone screaming for help. I tried to force my eyes open before realizing they already were. The dark was embracing me, and I tried to find the person screaming for help. I could tell she was crying, and I could almost sense her tears falling to the floor. I turned around a corner, and my eyes widened at the scene before me. My eyes almost started flooding instantly when I set my eyes on them.

There, in front of me, was me. But almost in a different form. She was kneeling on the floor, holding someone's almost lifeless body before her, screaming for any assistance. The pale body had blood covered all over his right arm. A knife was stuck in his gut, blood pouring from it like an uncontrollable geyser. A flannel was tied around it, trying to stop the flood of bleeding.

"Alex..." My hand slapped over my mouth as tears ran down my face.

"I'm sorry!" My future self exclaimed, putting her head on Alex's torso. Why was she apologizing? "It's all my fault! I shouldn't have left you! I saw this all in a stupid dream.."

She continued mumbling a few words, apologizing over and over again. I couldn't understand the words coming from her mouth. Alex turned to her wearily and opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. He didn't have the strength to say anything. I stepped forward, kneeling beside my future self. She sat up and put her face in her hands, crying in visible pain. She had scratches on her arms and face, and her right leg had blood running down the flesh. Abruptly, she perked up. She looked around, until her eyes set right onto me.

A shiver ran down my spine.

Did she see me? Or could she just sense my ghostly presence?

"You.." she whispered in a cracking voice, her eyes filled with tears, "Don't go anywhere in the next few days except for school. Don't let Alex die. Please. This might be the last time this message will be passed on into the past. I-I'll try to somehow get Alex back up, just promise me."

"I-I promise." I replied.

A few moments passed as she waited for a moment, expecting my presence to say more. Silently, she peered back at Alex, who was almost lifeless. She picked him up slowly and started limping towards a door, Alex clutching onto her for support.

"Olivia.." he murmured quietly, and I perked at his voice. Alex..? He was trying to find my conscience, his eyes rolling in his head. He searched until he saw the outline of my kneeling body. "Olivia.. be careful..."


I snapped my eyes open wildly. Bri was shaking my shoulders with Alex and Cody looking down at me with faint traces of concern. I shot up and found myself on the couch. I felt something wet on my cheek and touched it. I.. My senses snapped, and I recognized the wet feeling as my tears. I wiped them away roughly, trying to hide the fact that I was crying in my sleep.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked beside me.

Bri nodded, "You were crying."

I looked at Alex, and instantly, my mind managed to shape him into the almost lifeless body from before. Alex.. was dying. He's dying. My eyes started filling with tears again, and he jolted slightly, as if wondering why I started crying just by looking at him. I wrapped my arms around him and tried to form words into a sentence, taking him by surprise. He hesitantly hugged me back, and Cody turned to Bri with a confused look. She shrugged.

This isn't real.

And yet it feels like it is.


Alex James

Olivia felt more.. off now. Ever since last night, when she started crying, she was almost out of reach. She seemed to be in her own little world. Today, she didn't go to school, so once I got home, I went to her room. I knocked on it once, and then again when she didn't answer. Did she go out shopping? I shook my head at my question. She wouldn't. Maybe she went to walk around at the park.

I walked over to my room and opened the door, putting my backpack on my desk. What's there to do now? Suddenly, I heard a small whimper from my bed. I looked over my shoulder and saw Olivia in my bed, a wet towel on her forehead and the blankets towering on top of her. Her head was rested on my Fall Out Boy pillow (if you didn't know, they are my FAVORITE), and from the look on her face, she was having a wonderful dream.

I rolled my eyes with a grin and walked up to the bed. I knelt beside it and pulled the blankets over the bottom half for her face. She snuggled towards the warmth, and I couldn't help but just stare at her. She really is.. something else. I snapped out of my daze quickly and stood up. I needed to do homework. I'll give Olivia her homework when she wakes up.

I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. Her cheeks began to heat up, pink rushing towards them, and I smiled lightly. She even blushes in her sleep. How innocent.


After doing my homework, Olivia was still sound asleep. I sighed and dragged a bean bag towards the edge of my bed, sitting next to Olivia's resting figure. I put my arm on the bed as an armrest, and immediately, Olivia wrapped her arms around it like I was a teddy bear. I pulled out my laptop and went to YouTube to watch a few videos.

Call me a child, but I loved to watch DanTDM. Don't judge me, you morons. I liked when he failed at parkour or died because of some dumb boss dude, because he always made things positive out of it, and his blue hair was fucking cool. He almost reminded me of Olivia, in a way. You probably disagree with me, don't you..?

I clicked on his newest video and let Olivia hold into my arm as she slept.



I would like to thank you guys for 299 reads! (Because celebrating 300 is too mainstream.) THANKS YOU GUYS, YOU'RE THE BEST.

So thanks! Especially to queenqtri for being my latest follower and reader!

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