Chapter Sixteen

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Olivia Hernandez

My eyes grazed against the stars, and I felt sleepy. It's a good time to sleep I guess. I yawned and sat up, only to hear noises near the opening. I whipped around, but nothing was there. Huh. Weird. I crawled back down and closed it, walking into my room as I yawned again. Jen had left, and Kevin stayed behind since his college wasn't that far from here. I was pretty sure he only stayed here to hang out with Jen. Just saying.

I opened my door and saw Alex sitting on my bed, as of waiting for me. He looked up and saw me, giving me a smile, "Hey, Olivia."

"Why're you in my room?" I asked, sitting next to him on my bed.

"I don't know.." Alex muttered. "Just felt like it I guess."

I smiled innocently, "Awh! Did you miss me that much? How cute!"

Alex crossed his arms defiantly and argued, "No, I didn't! I-I just came here because I wanted to, okay?" I giggled at his flustered reply. Stretching out my arms, I pulled out my deck of cards.

"Want to play with cards before we sleep?"



The next day, school rolled along slowly. It was a Tuesday, and I did not like it at all. Even if I came back a few days ago, it had been way too many months of my time wasted. School changed. A lot. Alex became a popular and feared (but also loved) sophomore student, with girls always sending him winks and stuff. It ticked me off quite a bit, as if a bomb was going to blow soon. It's disgusting to be honest. Especially the senior girls trying to get with him.


I admit I like Alex.

As a simple crush.

And I awfully hate it. Ever since I came back to school, Alex didn't hang out with me a lot because he was usually surrounded by a bunch of fake girls. I had no one to hang out with since Kevin went to college and Jen had different schedules than me because of a schedule change. Alex was in the majority of my classes, and he still sat next to me, but I usually didn't get a chance to talk to him.

As the teacher began talking, which I completely ignored, I doodled in my sketchbook. I didn't even try to talk to Alex, who was currently "chatting" with a girl next to him on his right. This class was English, so the teacher barely did anything. I didn't mind the fact he didn't do anything, because hey, nobody wanted to do work. I spared a glance at Alex as he smiled and laughed at what the girl said.

A spark of sadness filled my heart, letting it drown in disappointment. I looked at the girl he was talking to.

As expected, she was beautiful.

She had a bright smile with flawless skin. Her hair wasn't an extraordinary or unique color, being just a plain but rich brown. Her eyes of blue oceans sparkled with amusement as Alex continued talking to her. She had the perfect body, not too skinny or too chubby, and she wasn't too short or too tall. She was perfect.

I dropped my pencil on the desk.

How disappointing..

I couldn't even smile, and I had pale skin with scars scattered across my flesh. It was weird and made me look like a jigsaw puzzle. My hair was strawberry blonde, giving my green eyes a weird golden complexion. They didn't have any spark of anything; they were just dull and boring. I was short for my age, and my body was horribly shaped. My limbs couldn't grow evenly.

I peered at the girl once again, and she laughed. Her laugh was like the sound of ringing bells, beautiful and rich for a girl like her. Compared to mine, it was like music. I looked down at my hands, feeling my face become hot when my emotions riled up.

You're nothing.

An alien.

A striped monster from the scars made by years of mistakes.

"I'm nothing compared to her.." I murmured to myself.

No wonder he pays more attention to her. She's everything he needs.. Her voice was confident and sweet. Mine was shaky and weird, awkward almost. I shook my head vigorously, shaking out the negative thoughts. I should've been proud of what I looked like. I wanted to feel pretty. But at that moment, when Alex ignored me as if I had ceased to exist...

I didn't feel so beautiful at all.


Lunchtime rolled by, and again, the cheerleaders of the senior year had dragged Alex to the field. He had asked for my permission, which I granted reluctantly. I didn't have much of a choice since they were already dragging him off. He looked as if he wanted to ask me to join along, but the cheerleaders must've caught on quickly because they dragged him away.

I picked at my food and decided I wasn't so hungry anymore. I took my lunch out of the cafeteria and to the football field, forgetting that the cheerleaders would be flirting with Alex there. Well fuck. So, I ended up sitting at the very top of the bleachers so that no one would pay attention to me. It was a little lonely. A bird flew down a few feet away from me, and I put down a piece of fruit for it. It slowly and reluctantly pecked at it, and continued eating.

It was a beautiful blue bird, with small wings and feathers at the top of her head that slicked back, the feathers still poking out slightly. It had black feet and a black beak, with black eyes. It was rare to find a blue bird anywhere around here, so if anything, it was special. I searched inside my backpack and found my turkey, egg and cheese, avocado sandwich. I took one slice of bread and put it on the tray next to the bird. Then, I folded my sandwich, and we began to eat.

"I think I'll name you Ocean.." I whispered to the bird. She tilted her head to the side before going back to the food, content. I smiled and looked up at the sky, "We're both different from our worlds, huh? Guess that's a good thing."

Ocean chirped with a small flap, and we continued eating, watching the clouds roll by lazily.


"See ya!" I whispered quietly as the bird flew away.

I had spent the Free period with Ocean since Jen had an extra class for something. I didn't know what, but it was important to her. Ocean, once again, found me, and I chatted with her, letting her listen and eat some bread. It seemed as if I almost forgot about Alex, until he texted me. He told me he was hanging out with a few of the jocks later today after school, and I gave him a short reply.

He didn't need to know it hurt.

I now had to walk home alone. Which sucked. As I strolled along the streets, I noticed a car that had been following me for a few minutes now. It had gone ahead a few times, but somehow came back to following me. The thing is, there were sketchy men inside the car that I didn't have any intentions of dealing with. No one was home since Alex and Kevin were at their schools, and Jen had extra classes. Felicity was probably at work in the school too.

I soon decided to text Alex.

😎 Alex The Pizza Thief 🍕

Olivia: Alex! Please answer, this is important!

Alex: what's up Olivia?

Olivia: I think someone's following me in their car

Alex: hold on, I'll be there. You're still walking, right?

Olivia: yeah

Alex: I'll be there soon, try to act normal for now.

Olivia: Hurry Alex, I'm scared..

I shoved my phone into my backpack, only for someone to put their hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming. "Meladia's child. Daughter to be exact. It's been a while, Olivia Hernandez." My eyes widened as tears started forming in my eyes, my screams being muffled by his hand.

I know him.

I know this motherfu—

Daniel Smith!

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