Chapter Twenty Five

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Olivia Hernandez

Some time had passed.

And today was the winter dance.

I am NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT AT ALL! Jen and I were in my room, and she was helping me zip up my dress as we prepped up. My strawberry blonde hair was pulled into a soft bun, strands of it streaming down the sides. I was plastered with makeup as well (which I had refused several times beforehand until Jen attacked me with the fluffy stick thing that I think was called a mascara wand).

She shoved my feet into her specially designed heels, which felt amazingly comfortable (courtesy to that lovely girl). Alex said he would meet us at the dance since he went early to help with preparations. Now that I think about it, I've never seen him in a suit and tie before. I bet he felt so uncomfortable with all the girls following him around, like he texted us. It was quite hilarious to see his suffering. Or rather, think of it.

Kevin was driving us there, and he had an expression of guilt on his face. Jen and I suspected that he felt guilty for leaving Jen at her other dances after they broke up. She tried to convince him that it was okay, but he didn't forgive himself even though she did. I wanted to help them calm down and relax, but I would most likely make it even more awkward than it already is for them.

Once we were dropped off, Jen told me quietly, "Go on ahead. I'll follow you after I have a talk with Kevin."

I nodded with understanding and walked off. Finding my way through the school with music as my guide, I entered the gym. I was immediately bombarded with beautiful white and blue lights. White balloons and blue streamers passed along, and people were wearing their second best outfits. Some of the senior girls weren't here, and I suspected it was because "they had better things to prepare for" such as prom season.

That just makes my day even better.

I couldn't spot Alex at first as I searched through the crowd, so I tried to bio-link him. After a few failed attempts, I began worrying. Is he ignoring me? Did he mute his techno brain? Or did something happen to him? I slightly frowned and walked over to the food tables. I took a small cupcake in my hand and bit into it, the blue sprinkles and white frosting making me feel colder in the freezing room. I couldn't help but feel... ah, what's the word I'm looking for?

I was... aggravated. Stressed maybe.

I sighed and threw away the cupcake liner into the trash bin, pushing into the corner. I saw Jen walking in, but didn't attempt to walk up to her. Instead, I hid even further. All the happiness had been sucked out of my flesh. I don't belong here at all. All these people look so high-class. I held my head up, and somehow, my green eyes caught Alex in the center of the room. He was laughing about something, as if he was talking to someone. As a few people moved by, I saw that he.. was talking to a girl.

A cup of fruit juice was in his hand, and he was laughing at what the girl had said. She was laughing along as well. Maybe he was having too much fun to see my bio-links. I forced a small smile on my face, feeling my beating heart slow down its pace. That's nice. I shouldn't burden him into having only me as his friend. Jen finally found me and handed me an ice cream sandwich she managed to sneak away.

"Thanks," I whispered, even though the music was blasting.

She smiled, "No problem." She peered down, asking, "How are the shoes?"

I looked down at them and wiggled my toes, laughing. "It's like heaven. I feel perfectly fine wearing these."

"That's good to know."

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