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Clary's pov

I was in the kitchen eating some grapes when Jace and Ashley walked into the room. They were holding hands. So this is what it feels like to have your heart shattered into a million pieces. I thought Jace loved me. He said he would never stop loving me.

"Wow, your a good lier Jace" I said

He looked confused.

"I'll never stop loving you?" I tilted my head and laughed "I almost believed you"

"Don't talk to Jace that way" Ashley said

I shoved her with the palm of my hand. She went flying into the wall. For a split second her eyes turned all the way black like a demon. Jace didn't see. Only I saw.

How did I do that? I didn't shove her that hard.

"What the heck Clary" Jace said

I walked out of the room. Tears streaming down my face. I have no one to love. I could feel my heart turn as cold as ice. No one could shatter it again.

Love hurts (A Clace story)Where stories live. Discover now