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2 Days later

Jace's pov

Me and Clary have made no progress, well except we have become good friends. I hate Randy so much, something just isn't right about him...... I know I can't trust him.

Me and Clary were training when Isabelle ran in, she looked horrified. Both me and Clary dropped our weapons and ran over to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"A..... Alec, he was attacked"

That's all I heard, I ran off to find him. I was searching the streets of San Fransisco when I heard a scream. It was Alec's scream. I ran to where the sound was coming from.

I saw Alec, he was all scratched up. He was being held down by a greater demon. In on swift movement, I cut of the demons head. It screeched and disappeared into a pile of ash. I ran to Alec and kneeled next to him.

"I.....I'm sorry.... Jace" he said

"Don't be"

Alec smiled and closed his eyes.

"No Alec keep your eyes open!"

He didn't listen, his breathing came to a slow stop. I checked for a pulse, nothing. I took out my phone and quickly called Magnus.


"Mangus, Alec was attacked by a greater demon come help now!"

"I'll be right there"

There was a swirl of dust and Mangus stood right next to me. He lifted up Alec and stepped into a portal. I jumped in right after him. We landed in the institute infirmary. Mangus shoos me out. I go and wait outside. Isabelle, and Clary were waiting here too. I sat down right next to Clary. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back.

"This is all my fault" I said

She pulled back and looked at me with a sorrowed look in her eyes.

"Don't blame yourself, there was nothing you could of done."

I nodded, she was right, but I still felt like it was my fault. We waited there for hours in silence. Clary suddenly stands up.

"I'm going to find Randy and tell him what happened" she said.

I nodded and she walked out left. I looked at Isabelle.

"You okay?" I asked, she had been silent the whole time.

She shook her head.

"No, I already lost Max, I can't loose Alec."

"I'm so sorry Isabelle"

"Don't blame yourself, blame that stupid demon"

We sat there for another hour or so, Clary was still not back. Just then, Mangus burst through the doors, he looked tired and he had tears running down his face. Me and Isabelle looked at him eagerly.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save him"

No, no, this can't be happening. No, he was more than a brother to me. He.... He's gone?

As I was taking in this tragedy, Clary stumbles into the room and falls to the ground. She was all scratched up and had a knife in her leg. I ran to her.

"What happened?!" I yelled

"Randy" she managed to say

That made my blood boil. No one, and I mean no one, hurts my Clary. Randy was going to die for this.

Love hurts (A Clace story)Where stories live. Discover now