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Clary's pov
As soon as I walked out of that room that held so many memories, I fell to my knees and cried my heart out. The tears never seemed to stop.

I can't believe Jace broke up with me! I loved him, I thought we would last forever! I guess not.

I heard the door opening so I got up and ran. I ran as fast as I could. I ran through the streets dodging cars and pedestrians. As if on cue, rain started pelting down to the Earth, how cliche.

The cars honked at me, I didn't care, they could run me over if they wanted too. I don't have anything to live for anymore.

"Clary!" Yelled Jace, "Clary, let me explain!"

He was close, I knew I couldn't outrun Jace. My clothes were soaked, they hugged my body, good thing they were black so they weren't see through.

Jace grabbed my arm, pulling into his chest, I reached up to slap him but he grabbed my wrist before I could.

"Let go of me." I growled

"No, let me explain first"

I stomped on his foot with the heel of my shoe, which made him let go of me. I took out my stele and quickly created a portal.

"Please Clary, don't leave me, I can't live without you" Jace said.

"Well you should of though of that earlier"


I turned around, and not taking one more glance at him, I jumped. Everything swirled around me. It seemed like I was never going to stop falling.

Then I hit the ground, I looked up and a male shadow hunter was standing in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked

"I was about to ask you the same thing"
"I'm Clary Fray"

"I'm Jake Tivel"

"You're a shadow hunter right?" I asked Jake.

"What's a shadow hunter?" He asked, a confused look in his eyes.

"Oh.... Um...."

"I'm just messing with you, yes I am a shadow hunter"

He smiled a perfect smile. I didn't smile back, I was hurting to much. I looked away from him, a tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it away with the back of my hand,

"Are you okay?" He asked, he sounded concerned.

"Uh, yeah, can I stay at your institute?"

"Of course, come on, I'll walk you there"

Jace's pov
I lost her, the love of my life, gone. I wish I never broke up with her. What was I thinking? I wasn't helping her, I was helping myself. I walked back to the institute to tell everyone what happend. How am I going to explain this?

I opened the door to the institute and everyone was in the kitchen. By everyone I mean; Isabelle, Alec, Simon, Mangus, Church and Chairman Meow. As soon as I walked into the kitchen everyone stopped talking.

"Jace, have you been crying?" Isabelle asked

"Clary is gone" I said

Everyone stared wide eyed.

"What?" Isabelle's voice cracked.

"I said she's gone! I was stupid and selfish and I broke her! She left and is never coming back!" I shouted

I ran out of the kitchen and straight into my room, putting a locking tune on the door. I then sunk to the floor, only three words going through my head.

Clary's really gone.

No one's pov
Clary and Jake walked to the institute together. The institute wasn't anything special, just an old castle. As they entered the building, Jake yelled;

Randy, Alexis! Get down here!"
Two people ran down the stairs to meet them.

"This is Clary Fray, she will be staying with us" Jake said "please introduce yourselves"

The boy raises his gaze up to Clary, he had the most beautiful hazel eyes and a mess of brown hair on his head. He couldn't have been older than 17.

"I'm Randy" he had a thick British accent.

"Hi" was all Clary said.

Then an older girl stepped forward, she had reddish blondish hair, it was beautiful. She look around 18 years old.

"Hi, I'm Alexis, Jake's girlfriend."

Clary's pain came back when she said girlfriend. A tear slid down her cheek. Everyone looked at her, worriedly.

"Is something wrong"

Clary harshly wiped the tear away.

"I'm fine" she lied.

Everyone could tell she was lying, but they didn't want to push. Clary smiled a fake smile at the them.

"May I see my room please?" I asked

"Of course, I'll show you" said Alexis.

She then lead Clary up the grand staircase into a hallway with many rooms, the very last door on the right was Clary's room. Alexis showed her inside.

"Stay away from Jake" Alexis said, her voice cold.
"I will, I'm not interesting in anyone at the moment, I just went through a heart break" Clary explains

Alexis stared at Clary her eyes apologetic.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude"

"It's fine"

Alexis sat on Clary's bed.

"So where are you from?"

Clary sighed.
"New York, I ran away because of.... Of him"

Alexis stood up and hugged Clary.
"He must of really hurt you, I've only been hurt that much once"
Clary pulled away from the hug and stared wide eyed at Alexis.
"You've experienced this before?" She asks in awe

"Yes, I had my heart broken by a player in New York once, and that's why I am here, I ran away" Alexis answers

"Was the players name Jace?" Clary asked.

"Yes, how did you know?"

Clary fell to the ground and started sobbing.

"So....I.....wasn't the...... first person ........he did this too?" Clary said between sobs

"I'm, sorry, but it appears you are not"

Love hurts (A Clace story)Where stories live. Discover now