Love hurts (A Clace story)

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No one's pov

Jace and Clary were in Jace's room, they were studying for a test. Of course they didn't get very much studying done. All they did was talk and kiss and sometimes they asked each other questions for the test.

"I love you, Jace" Clary says

Jace smirks, he reachers over onto his bed table and grabs a knife. He then thrusts it right into Clary's heart, and laughs as the light leaves her eyes.

"If only I loved you" he chuckles

Jace's view

I awoke with a gasp. It was just a dream. Clary was okay. Why was I having these dreams? I would never want to hurt Clary. I love her with all my heart. What can I do to stop this? I can't just be forget about this. I could be a threat to her safety, I may need to take drastic measures, to ensure she will be safe.

I take out my phone and start texting her.

"Hey Clary"

"Hi Jace"

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"



"I'm breaking up with you."

There was no response. Oh great. What if I didn't make the right choice? What if I just ruined everything, all over a stupid dream? Oh god.

Suddenly my door swung open revealing a broken looking Clary, standing in the door frame. The look in her eye was a look of betrayal. Her eyes were no longer a sparkling green. They were a dull dark green. Her hair was no longer bright, it was a dark red. What have I done?

" broke up with me?" She said tears running down her cheeks.

"Yes I did Clary"

"Why?!" She shouted.

"Because I never loved you" I lied. I will always love her. I always have. I just needed her to get away from me. Clary stared at me. Her eyes were full of shock, terror, and hurt. Suddenly, the look in her eyes vanished and were replaced with a look of hatred.

"I knew you were just playing me, just like you did to all those other girls!" She shouted. "I wish I never met you! Your a player and you love to break hearts! I never want to see you again!"

Her words stung me. I couldn't apologize now. She would finally be safe. She started to walk towards the door. Before she left she turned around and said

"To love is to destroy and to be loved is to be destroyed"

Love hurts (A Clace story)Where stories live. Discover now