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The entire meal consisted of Margaret insulting Kian and finding new ways to make me feel self-conscious. Though every time she said something rude to me I'd feel Kian's reassuring squeeze on my hand and everything was okay again. I could do this. As long as I had Kian by my side I was sure I could live with Margaret for a couple weeks. Well, pretty sure...

When we got back the first thing I did was hurry off to warn the other two boys. I found them in the living room playing Mario Kart.

"Hey guys, just-"

"Ricky! You fucking killed me!" Connor screeched, falling off the couch to re-enact a horrifically fake dying scene.

"Language!" I heard Margaret snap from the doorway. She marched straight to where Connor was laying and smacked him with her purse.

"What?" He mumbled, looking up at her dumbfounded.

"You swore, that's a sin."

"It's my house? I can do what I want?" He mumbled. I could see Kian shaking his head desperately behind his mother but Connor didn't know any better. I was the only one of the boys who'd met Margaret before today. One night, a long time ago, I'd carpooled with Kian, Andrea, and her to an event. And I'd promised myself I wouldn't ever again. Now I was stuck living with her.

"I don't know what kind of disgusting morals you have been raised on but where I come from you may certainly not 'do what you want'. You must devote your life to Christ, after all, you wouldn't have a life without him. Now, if I hear tell of you sinning again I am going to have to ask you to leave this house."

"What?" Connor said, bursting into a fit of laughter. I could see the horror in Kian's eyes.

"What's your name?" She snapped, kicking Connor with one of her high-heeled shoes. He sat up and stared at her in disbelief.

"Connor, who the fuck are you?" I could swear her eyes turned red when she heard him swearing again.

"I am Margaret Lawley, Kian's mother. And I'm also going to have to ask you to leave." She said, pointing to the door. Connor looked back and forth between everyone in the room before settling on me. 

"Ricky, help me. Tell your psycho mother-in-law to lay off." I felt chills run through my body. He hadn't just said that. It looked like Kian was about to keel over dead in reaction. I peeled my eyes away from him to where Margaret stood, looking confused for the first time since I'd met her.

"What do you mean by that?" She snapped, glaring down at Connor. Just as he opened his mouth to reply I discreetly stomped on his foot and he slammed his jaws shut.

"He just means that Kian and I are so close we're like brothers, so you're kind of like my mother in a weird sense. Not a mother-in-law sense though. I am definitely not in a sexual relationship with your son." I said, laughing awkwardly at the end. I could feel cold sweat dripping down my back and prayed she'd believe what I'd just said.

"I am not your mother in any sense and I'm offended you would assume so! And I should hope not, I think I'd blow my brains out right here on the spot if I found out my son was a homosexual. Lord, it's disgusting to even say it." She laughed genuinely for the first time since I'd met her. And, if it hadn't been for why she was laughing, I might even have been happy to see it.

That night, after countless complaining the beast was finally snoring in it's cave. The entire day she'd forced the four of us to clean. Even the always calm and easy-going Jc had enough and stomped out, saying he had an important meeting to attend. Now it was just Kian and I home, considering Connor had snuck out when she turned her back and ran off to meet up with Tyler Oakley. Honestly, if I weren't so dedicated to Kian I would be gone as well. Currently we were still scrubbing counters even though she'd already gone up to bed.

"Kian, we can stop now." I mumbled placing a hand on his sweaty shoulder. He jumped away from my touch and shook his head.

"She'll notice if we half-ass it. She always does." He whispered, picking up he pace on his scrubbing even more.

"Kian, why did you say yes to her? There are other places she could have stayed. Doesn't she have other relatives?" He paused to look up at me, biting his lip.

"Not any that will talk to her." He concluded, turning back to his work.

"Regardless, you aren't her caregiver, why did you say yes?"

"Because she was mine my entire life, I figured it wouldn't be a big deal to return the favour. Why's it such a big deal to you?" He snapped, throwing the sponge on the floor. I sighed and reached out to hug him. He practically pounced backward, away from me. Just as I thought. No way could he even act mildly gay when his mother was in a less than 50 mile radius.

"It's a big deal because she's walking all over you. She's not the boss of you any longer. You are going out of your way to take her in, she should be trying to pay you back not the other way around." He just crossed his arms and glared at me.

"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight, by the way. I'm gonna sleep there until Trevor gets here then..."

"You'll stay with me?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips. Instead of replying he just nodded lightly and went back to work scrubbing. Obviously hoping that was the end of the conversation.

"Gosh, thanks for seeming so excited." I mumble, throwing my own sponge on the floor. Kian doesn't react and just continues working. 

"Wow. You know, I was under the impression you cared about me but good to know you'd still choose your horrid witch of a mother over me. I'll remember that." I snap, turning to stomp upstairs. Kian didn't call after me. Kian didn't reach for my hand. Kian didn't even fucking look up from his cleaning to watch me leave. Kian didn't care.

A/n: Ouu, drama city. Anyway, I'm the queen of self promo (next to Tyler Oakley) so I'm going to shamelessly promote my new Ricky Dillon Fanfic. Check it out and I'll give you a cookie :3

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