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The work-out had proven to be the most challenging one yet. By the end of it I was panting like an animal and gulping back water at an unnatural pace. I wiped some that had trailed down my chin away and frown when I see Kian watching me with a displeased look on his face. It's not that gross? Lots of people spill water, ugh. For how charming he'd been last night he was beginning to really get on my nerves. Maybe this is his next plan on helping me get over him; acting like a jerk. I sigh and stare at his concentrated expression he gets while lifting weights and feel a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. There's nothing he could do to make my feelings for him go away. He notices me staring and purposely turns the opposite direction. I grunt in frustration and happily accept the distraction when my trainer begins walking toward me.

Afterward the three of us were headed to quickly change into some different clothes so we could be seen in public without looking like balls of sweat. I pulled my shirt over my head as soon as the door closes behind us and whip it around.

"Wasn't that a work-out? I swear I can feel my muscles growing." Kian shuffles his feet as he heads to the back corner of the room, away from me. I bite at my lip, more upset than annoyed at this point. I grab my phone and text Jc as quick as possible. Jc checks his phone immediately and squints at the screen while he reads. He looks up at me with an annoyed expression but obediently leaves the room. I'd offered to pay for his Starbucks if he left me and Kian alone. Which sounds like a good deal except that meant he wouldn't have any time to change. Luckily he either thought it was a good deal or felt bad for me judging by the fact he'd already left. I turned to Kian and catch him glowering at me from the corner.

"What?" I ask, talking to him for the first time since our fight this morning. He just shook his head and picked up his bag to leave. Just as he passes me I grab his arm.

"Can you at least tell me what's going on?" The desperation in my voice was obvious but Kian must not have cared because he shrugged out of my grip and left me standing there alone. He was so sweet last night, what went wrong?

When I went to join them in the lobby I was surprised to see just Kian waiting for me.

"Where's Jc?" I mumble, careful not to look him in the eye. He grunts but actually replies to me this time.

"He seen one of his friends and they invited him to go penny boarding. You can guess his response."

"Why didn't you go?" Kian just looked at me with an expression that made it clear what I was to him right now. A nuisance.

"I just don't feel like it. Come on, let's get home." Kian said, standing and walking toward the vehicle. 

During the drive home I felt a single tear rolling down my cheek and hurried to wipe it away. I knew it was pointless though, Kian had already noticed the tear and he already knew how he was making me feel. Why was I still trying to hide it? I just thought we'd reached an understanding yesterday, I thought he liked me back. That was my first mistake. I'd reminded myself so many times that anything that happened last night would be fake, why had I still read into it too much?

"I'm sorry." I mumbled aloud before I gave myself time to think it through. I was shocked when Kian pulled the car over to the curb. He turned and looked at me with a confused expression.

"You're sorry?" His face is twisted into a mixture of sadness and anger that I'd never seen before. I nodded cautiously, worried for his reaction. He started laughing so hard he had to clutch his hands to his sides. I wrinkled my brows and crossed my arms.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I pouted, watching him wipe away a tear he'd gotten from laughing so hard.

"Because you are a total idiot." I feel my mouth twist into a scowl and punch him from across the console. Not a light punch either, a hard punch that was sure to leave a bruise. He flinched but didn't try to get me back.

"How am I an idiot?" I ask, playing along with his game. He gives a sheepish half smile as he seemingly ponders over the way to word it in his mind.

"Because I have been nothing but horrible to you since last night. I've practically gone out of my way to make you feel like shit and still, you have the nerve to apologize. Honestly, what have you done wrong in this situation?" A small smile spreads across my face, more of an ironic smile than anything. I wipe away a couple more tears that had spilled before turning to face him.

"I'm sorry for expecting more from you than you were willing to give." I mumble, tears suddenly streaming freely down both of my cheeks. I know it's too late to even try to fight them so I just sit there looking like a blubbering idiot until I feel Kian's hand on my cheek. He brushes away a couple tears and I look up at him. He's crying too?

"I'm sorry for not being able to give it." He snivels. I force a smile across my features and grab his hand in mine.

"Don't be." I say, giving it a squeeze. Kian's looking into my eyes but I could tell he isn't really here. His eyes are clouded over and I can practically see the thoughts running through his mind. I wonder what he's thinking about at a time like this? I watched the tears roll down his face and frown. It really would seem I couldn't have fallen for a worse person.

A/N: I'll update again in three days OR as soon as it reachs thirty votes. I get around 100 reads per chapter so if you pull together you could have the update tonight

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