Just Friends

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Late that night I was sitting up on my computer when I heard a knock on my door. It was weird for any of the other boys to be up at this hour of the night. They usually went to bed way earlier than I did.

"Yeah?" I called out.

"Can I come in?" His voice wasn't much louder than a whisper but I heard it. I bit at my lip, worried as to what Kian was doing up this late at night.

"Sure." I said, concerned. I was relieved to see Kian's cheerful smile when he opened the door.

"What's up?" I asked, gesturing for him to sit beside me. He did and made a big deal of looking at my screen.

"Wow, I'm surprised you're not watching gay porn." He teased, leaning into me. I rolled my eyes and closed the laptop.

"What do you want?" I said, already a little unimpressed with his antics. I'm not very tolerable this late at night.

"Andrea rescheduled our date."

"And I'm supposed to care?" 

"Sassy, Ricky, very sassy. She wants me to go to a wedding with her."

"Are you going to?" I sigh, realizing he isn't going to drop the subject. 

"You know that buff guy from her apartment? It's his sister's wedding." He mumbles and looks around the room as if he's embarassed to say it.

"Why would she even invite you to that? Does she want you two to duke it out or something?" I yawn loudly, hoping Kian would take the hint that this was the last thing I wanted to talk about.

"No, she says she thinks if I can meet him and see that he's not such a bad guy I'll have an easier time getting over her cheating."

"That's stupid." I say flatly, closing my eyes.

"I agree but she really wants me to go."

"So you're going to?" I say, making it obvious how stupid I thought the idea was just by the tone of my voice.

"Yeah, but I told her there was a condition."

"Did you make her promise not to cheat on you? Because you realize that isn't-"

"That's not it! I told her I'd only go if I could bring you." My eyes flashed back open. 

"Kian, please tell me you're joking."

"Ricky, please! I need you there for support. Plus, what if that guy does want ot duke it out, he could do some serious damage. Don't you want to protect me?" He asked, leaning onto my shoulder and batting his eyelashes daintily. I should have known Kian would use my feelings for him as leverage.

"No, because 'just friends' aren't supposed to feel an overwhelming need to protect each other. And you made it clear that's all you want me to feel for you." I said, turning my back to him. He sighed.

"I really expected you to be easy to get on board with this. I mean, free cake and you get to see me in a tux, what more do you want?" 

"I want you to get over her and move on with your life."

"Well, I want you to get over me and stop holding onto false hope but that isn't going to happen is it?" He snapped getting up so he could come sit on the side of me I was facing. I sighed. Low blow Kian.

"Kian, you can throw your life away on Andrea but I'm not going to like it. And I'm definitely not going to third-wheel on your dates." I snapped, annoyed with his begging. He sat there pouting for another ten minutes before I couldn't deal with it any longer. 

"You should probably leave, I'm gonna go to sleep."

"No you're not because I'm not moving." He said, crossing his arms sternly. I chuckled.

"Well, I hope you don't mind but I'm sleeping in the nude." I say, lifting my shirt over my head and making it a point to flex my muscles. Kian sat there with his chin pointed in the air stubbornly, still not budging. I started to fumble with my belt buckle and I watched his eyes go wide.

"You're not actually are you? You're just kidding, right?" I shook my head and started to unzip my pants. His hands flew over his eyes.

"Fine, I'm going. Keep your pants on." He complained getting up and making a big deal of keeping his eyes covered. I assumed that was the end of his begging. Except it wasn't.

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