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"Hey!" I nearly jumped out of my bones at the sudden shout from my right. I looked over at Trevor, who was casually squishing his face into my window, grinning wildly. I almost smiled at his childish behaviour before I remembered Kian who was sitting next to me. I reached over and grabbed his hand but he pulled it away, wiping his face. When he looked back at me it was almost impossible to tell he'd been crying.

"Well, shall we? You're probably freezing." He laughed, opening the door and leaving me there to wonder how to deal with this. I had to make up with Andrea, that much was clear. But that was the absolute last thing I wanted to do. I pushed my face into my hands and sighed. 

"Coming!?" Trevor yelled from the doorway where he was dancing suggestively. I gave a little smile and made my way into the house.

"Wow. Took you long enough." Trevor giggled, hugging me despite my soggy state. I hugged him back. I was glad he decided to take all this lightly, hopefully the other boys wouldn't make a big deal out of it either. Trevor backed away a moment later.

"I'm going to order pizza, you want some right?" He asked, stretching and yawning loudly. I nodded.

"I thought your mother was coming to get you tonight?" I said, taking off Kian's sweater and setting it on a chair.

"I asked her if I could stay longer because I wanted to be close in case anything happened to you. Though I think Kian was just overreacting, you were only gone four hours at most. He literally tried to file a missing person's report but the cops told him until twenty-four hours were up they couldn't do anything." Kian went through all that trouble for me? He damn well knows that cops won't do anything until a day is up. 

"Good, I wasn't ready for you to leave yet." I admitted, bringing him in for another quick hug before excusing myself to the shower. I frowned when I seen Kian's shut door but tried not to worry too much about him. I'll tell him I'm okay with him marrying Andrea soon. Just as soon as I can make it sound believable.

My Other Half (Rickian)Where stories live. Discover now