Ice Cream After School

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We're sitting at a picnic table, eating our ice cream. It was good and sweet, it felt good though.

I caught John looking at Korey a few times. Why is he looking at her? It's probably nothing. I shrug it off.

"So tomorrow is Saturday, do you guys want to chill at my place?" Seth asked.

"I'd like to but, Jen and I have plans," John said as he kissed my cheek.

I looked at him. "We do?"

He nodded his head. "Yep."

"Well Kor and I are going to the mall," Hil said.

"I don't have any plans tomorrow. We can hang," Ben replied.

After that no one said a word to each other. The silence made it awkward.

I glared down at my ice cream as I licked it. Then Korey suddenly laughs. I look up and see that John is making silly faces to her. What is with him with Korey? Again I ignored it.

"John, you're so cute," she commented.

"Thanks, beautiful."

That just crossed the line! "Really John?" Anger grew in my tone. "How could you?"

"Yeah man," Ben said.

"I'm sorry," he replied.

I shook my head. "You like Korey, admit it!"

"No I don't."

"Liar! I saw you making faces to her! Hil, give me a ride home. John you're coming too! I don't trust you alone with her!"

"You don't trust me?!"

"I do. It's just I don't trust John," I rose from the picnic table and I walk off.

"Nice going, bro," Seth said.

"Shut it!"


I walk to a near by pond. I pick up some rocks and I throw them, I watched then skip on top of the water.

I don't understand John. Why is he acting that way with Korey? Has he out grown me?


There's that voice, the one that I thought loved me! "Go away."

"Jen, I'm really sorry. I do love you. You're the first girl I ever loved."

I turned to face him. "You love Korey, not me."

"No, I don't."

"If you love her, then go after her. I don't want to be with someone who makes anoter girl laugh. Ever since we became friends, you liked Korey. You're only with me because I was pregnant. You didn't have to be with me because of that."  Tears rolled down my cheeks.

John wiped them off with his thumbs. "Jen, you're a beautiful girl.I grew to like you. You are an amazing girl."

I smiled. "If you love her, go after her. I want you to be happy."

"But I don't want you to be upset."

"I won't be. Go ask Her out. You belong with her, not me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now go." John has no idea that I'm testing him. Let's see if he stays or go's. He should be with Korey, they'd be so perfect together.

"Jen, I won't go. I love you too much to break your heart."


"I can't bare the thought of leaving you." He placed his lips on mine and we kissed.

I pulled away. "You better not leave me then."

"I won't. Let's head back." He grabbed my hand and we both walked hand and hand.

"So you two made up?" Ben said.

"Yes we did!" I smile at them.

"I should head back home. I have homework to work on," Seth said.

We all said our goodbyes and we all left.

That's the last chapter. The next book will come in the fall! Yes I'm taking a bit of a break because I have a new story coming this summer.

So look out for the sequel. I'm not sure what the tittle will be. Rip to this book.

Thank you for reading this book! I appreciate all the comments! See ya until the sequel!

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