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Guys I forgot Jen is pregnant, so I had fix up this chapter...

"Jen, honey... I'm so sorry the way I treated. I overreacted," my mother said.

Overreacted? What a excuse. What she said-sounded like she meant it. "It's fine."

"So how are you and John doing?" my father asked.

"Just fine." I can't believe John kissed me right in front of everybody, even my parents saw it. I hope they don't think we're dating.

"We would like to get to know your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? We're not dating. It was just a hook up."

"We saw that he kissed you," my father said.

"Yeah so? It doesn't mean we're dating. I don't even know why he kissed me."

"Maybe he-"

My dad was cut off my a sudden screech on the road. It caught out attention. There was an oncoming car speed towards us. "AHHHH!" We all screamed. This is it, we're dead.

The car crashed into us and everything went black.


I awoke to an unfamiliar room. I tried to move my head to have a look around, but it hurt so bad. All I could see is the ceiling. My head was wrapped in a bandage and my body was too. Wait, I got hurt bad so is the baby okay?! What happened? Where's my mom and dad? "Mom! Dad!" I yelled out.

I heard foot steps clung to the floor of the room. "You're awake. How do you feel?" A female voice ask. I'd assume that's a nurse.

"I ache everywhere. Where's my parents? Is my baby okay?" I asked with panic in my tone.

The nurse walked over to me so I could see her, her eyes looked sad. "They got put into a coma. They got hurt worse than you did, and your baby... I'm sorry it didn't make it."

"What?!"No, non, no! My baby can't be gone! I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I can't lose them my parents. "What happened?"

"Someone rammed right into you guys, the driver didn't make it. Cops are still investigating."

Oh that's right. I remember seeing a car coming towards us. "That's awful." That bastard killed my child!

"Yeah, the doctor will be in soon to give you medication. I'll check on you later." She turned on her heel and she left the room.

I can't believe this happened... Why did it happen? What was the driver thinking? I'm glad their dead, karma hit them hard.

There was a light knock at my opened door. "Miss Ledger. I'm Doctor Harrison. I'm going to give you painkillers to help with the pain." He walked over and showed me the bottle. He untwisted the cap and he poured a couple in his hand. "You're going to take these."

"Doctor, I can't sit up."

"I can help you." He grabbed a small paper cup from the sink and filled it with water, then he walked over to me. He lifted my head gentle, he popped the pills in my mouth and brought the cup to my mouth and he slowly tilted the cup and let the water escape the cup.

The pills went down my throat along with the water. He took the cup away from my lips. "That should kick in within 15 minutes."

"Thank you."

He gave a smile. "No problem. Is there anything you need?"

"Yes, could you contact my friends?"

"I can do that, once you're a bit better."

"Thank you again!"

"Any time." He left the room.

I lied there, crying really loud. I lost my child, and probably my parents. How am I going to tell John?

I heard shoes clinging to the tiled floor really fast. "Are you okay?" It was the doctor.

"The...father of the baby must know," I sobbed.

"Of course. I have your phone.What's his name?"


The doctor went on my phone and he dialed his number and put it up to his ear. "Hello John. This is Doctor Harrison. Jen has been into a accident. She's fine, but your child didn't make it and I'm sorry." He hung up the phone and set it on the table by me.

"He's on his way."

"Thank you, doctor."

He nodded and left the room.

Sixteen And PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now