Taking Care Of Jen

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At home, I can't use the wheelchair because there's no room for it to move. So I have to lie in my bed or I can sit on it.

I can't use crutches because he didn't want me to put pressure on my feet or my legs.  Ugh, I'm going to get fat for just sitting all the time.

Ben came over after school. He wanted to talk with me and do homework with me.

"You're dating that dick?"

I let out a laugh. "Ben, he's not what you think he is. He's really sweet, he helps me with everything."

Ben raised a brow as if he didn't believe me. "Oh?"

"I'm very happy."

"If he hurts you; his ass will be kicked."

I smiled. "Thanks for looking out for me."

"No problem. So when are you going to get out of those casts?"

"In three months."

"That's not bad."

"After that I need to have physical therapy, problem for five months."

"Well yeah, you need your legs back to normal."

"You know what John said? He said after those legs are out of those casts. He's gonna screw me so hard that I won't be able to walk for a week."

"Like I really need to know that."

I laughed. "Sorry."

He smiled. "It's fine. You must really love John."

"Yeah I do!"

"That's good. I'm glad you do."

John walked in my room. "I heard you guys talking about me."

"We were," I say.

"Hey John."

"Hey Ben. So want to stay for dinner?"

He nodded. "Sure. What are you guys having?"

"My mom just ordered pizza."

"Oh sounds great!" Ben said with Excitement.

John and I laughed at his reaction.


After dinner was over Ben had to go home.

"Thanks for coming over," John's mother said with a smile.

"No problem. See you guys at school." He opened the door and he walked out, shutting it behind him.

"Ben seems like a nice guy," she said.

"He is." Only if we're dating, I'm not good enough to be his girlfriend.

"So babe, want to go to bed?"

"Yeah, I am tired anyway."

John picked me up bridal style and went up the stairs.

He set me on the bed gently and he kissed my cheek. "Want your PJ's on?"

"Yes please."

John got into my dresser and he's digging through on of the drawers to fine clothes.

Once he found some, he took off my clothes and he dressed me into PJ's. "Need anything else?"

I shook my head. "No I'm all set. Thank you."

"I love you." He kissed my forehead and left the room, closing the door.

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