I Think I'm Pregnant

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A sudden knock on my door interrupts my studying. I let out a sigh. "Come in."

The door opens and my mother walks in with a smile. "Sorry if I'm interrupting."

I closed the text book. "No it's fine. I need to take a break anyway."

She sat on the edge of my bed. "You didn't tell me about your night."

I sat up. God, what do I tell her? "It was fun. I played a few games."

"What kind of games?"

"I played spin the bottle. That game was really stupid, so I moved on to the next game; truth or dare. There was this other game called seven minutes in heaven. I didn't know what it was so, I kinda paid attention to see what it was. That game was stupid as well." Oh my god, I actually lied to my mother!

"Good, I'm glad you stayed away from those games. I knew I raised a smart daughter. You know that's how I had you. I played seven minutes in heaven and I ended up with your father in bed."

"So that's how you had me, huh."

"Yup, I was stupid and didn't think of protection. Anyway, I'll let you get back to studying."

"Mom, can I go shopping with Kor and Hillary?"

"No, studying is more important." She rose from my bed and she left the room.

I sat there thinking about what she told me. "I was so stupid and didn't think of protection."

Then it hit me. John and I didn't use protection. So does that mean I'm pregnant?

"Oh my god!" No, this can't be happening!

I grab my phone and I text Korey.

Korey, I think I'm pregnant!

I got a reply instantly.

Korey: WHAT? No you can't be. Are you sure?

Jen: John and I didn't use protection.

Korey: Oh my god! Jen I'm so sorry!

Jen: What am I going to do?

Korey: You have to tell John and your parents.

Jen: My parents will kill me! Idk John's number. I will tell him when I know for sure.

Korey: Here's his number (000) 355-1467

Jen: Thanks! I'm really scared!

Korey: I'm here for you.

Jen: Thanks! Let's hope I'm not pregnant!

Korey: Yeah, maybe. Anyway I gotta go. Don't try to think about it, try to relaxed. Love you.

Jen: Okay I will! Love you too!

I put my phone on the bed and I open my text book. As I'm reading and memorizing, all that comes to mind is; I should text John. Oh my god, I'm pregnant!

I need to relax. Maybe some fresh air will help. I shut my text book and I leave my room. "I'm going for  a walk."

I slip on my shoes and I head out the door and I go for a walk.

"Hey Jen!"

Oh god, it's him. "Hi."

He walked over to me. "You don't look to happy."

"It's just school. I have a test tomorrow and all I've been doing is studying."

"Yeah me too. Say, wanna hook up again?"

I shook my head. "No, not now." I'm not in the mood to deal with him.

"Okay, maybe later on this week?"

God, he's getting on my nerves.      Is that all he cares about? "No, just get away from me!" I walked past him.

I didn't mean to snap at him. I'm just upset of what he done. Does he know he got me pregnant? Should I tell him? Nah, it's too early to tell.

I continue on with my walk. I'm happy he doesn't follow me. Boy, he needs to get a life.

My vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out. The text is on my lock screen n

(000) 355-1467: I need to talk to you.

I stared at the message. What does he want now? I put my phone back in my pocket. Is he actually going to tell me the truth?

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