Art Class

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I awoke the next day, with yesterday's worries gone.

I put on my black dress and watching leggings. I'm ready to start the day!

I head downstairs and the aroma of coffee filled the room. I walk in the kitchen where I meet my sister, my brothers and our parents.

"Morning!" They all say with a smile.

"Morning," I say as I pour myself a bowl of cereal.

~A few minutes later~

We all put our shoes on and head out the door to wait for the bus.

I put in my ear buds and listen to music. We usually don't day a word to each other, we just wait in silence.

Standing here for a minute; sure does make you cold. Well it's a cold day.

Not too long after the bus arrives. Yes! Finally!

I enter the heated bus. I sat with Ben. I'm so glad he takes the same bus as me.

The bus closed the doors, once my siblings took their seats, the bus drove off.

"Hey," I say with a smile.

"You're in a better mood."

"Yup! I just gotta face the problem that I have."

"That's my Jenny! Strong and brave."

I blush at my nickname. He gave me that nickname when we were ten. I call him Benny. "I just can't let it get to me."

"That's right! So wanna hang out after school?"

"Yeah, sure!"


The bus stops in front of the school. Everyone gets up from their seat and line up to get off the bus.

Ben and I walked to class together. We have the same class, which is art. We took our seats.

The teacher took attendants. Once she was done, she walked up to our tables. "Good morning. Today you guys are going to draw emotion."

Hilary raised her hand. "How can we draw emotion?"

"Well, it's like drawing how you feel. Good luck!" She smiled as she sat back at her desk.

Students rose from their seats
They grabbed drawing paper, pencils, markers, and colored pencils.

I sat down, staring at my blank paper. I have lots of emotions; happiness, fear and sadness. How can I draw that in one picture? Maybe I could draw an object and color it different colors, showing each emotion? No wait! I have a better idea! I'm going to draw a flower. I'm going to draw it looking healthy and when its dying.

I begin my drawing. It's probably gonna take me the whole class time just to draw one flower.

I looked over at Ben's drawing. He drew cartoon like characters with different emotions. He drew each character showing and acting their emotion. I smiled. "That's pretty good." He likes to draw cartoon characters, I've seen his drawings many times.

"Thanks." He looked over at mine
"That is going to turn out great!"

"Thanks!" I continue my drawing until the bell rings.

Everybody got their stuff and left the room. I put my drawing in a assigned draws that the teacher has for us, to put our art work in.

Next class is English. I love that class so much. I leave the class room and I walk to my locker to get up things for the next class.

"Hi, Jen."

I know that voice! That's the idiot that got me pregnant! I ignore him and I grab a red folder and a notebook and I shut my locker. He was standing right there. "John, can you just get away from me! You're lucky I don't punch you in the face! Don't go near me, stay away!" I walk fast to my class away from him.

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