Oh No Jen!

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I got into my locker, grabbing my backpack and I closed the door. John was standing there. I couldn't believe what Hilary had told me about him. Is it true?

"I'm not going to be home. I have a project I need to work on. It requires a partner."

Yeah project sure. You're probably going to hook up with some chick. "Okay, see ya."

I walk with the group of students, leaving John behind.

I walk out of school and I climb into the bus and I take a seat.

Ben was already there. "How's it going?"

"I found out who John really is."

"You did?" He looked disappointed.

"What's that look for?"

"Jen, I'm sorry you had to know the truth."

Did he know about John, the whole time? He didn't even tell me! "You knew about him? Why not tell me?"

"Because I thought you wouldn't believe me."

"Ben that's bullshit! Well I got told today, it broke my heart. It was too late for me to know before hand. I can't believe you hid the truth from me. I don't think I can trust you."

I rose from my seat, on a moving bus. As I walked down the alsie. The bus came to a hard stop, sending me on my back. I hit my head on the metal part of the seat.


I heard my name being called, then everything went black.

~No POV~

The bus driver took a look behind him. "Is everyone okay?"

They all said yes.

"She's not," Ben said.

The driver got out of his seat and he walked over to Jen. Ben had her head in his lap.

"Let's lay her in a seat." He lifted her up with the help of Ben. "You sit there with her."

Ben sat in the seat first and the driver sent Jen's head on his lap and her body is laying on the seat.

"I'll call 911." He whipped out his phone and dialed the number.

Ben looked at Jen and he stroked her blonde locks. "Please be okay." He whispered. "You too little one growing inside."

Five minutes later, the ambulance came and they took Jen.

"I'm not leaving her side."

He followed them out of the bus and they put her in the back with Ben.

The ambulance people got into the vehicle and they drove off.

The people in the back were working on Jen.

"What happened to her?" The woman with brown hair neatly in a bun.

"We got into a fight. She was mad so she got up to find somewhere else to sit, but the bus driver slammed on the breaks, causing her to fall."

"Do you know why the bus stooped?" The male with dirty blonde hair asked.

"Nope. He didn't tell us."

~ten minutes later~

They are arrived at the hospital. The doctor asked Ben to stay in the waiting room until they get her a room and check her out.

Ben told him that she's pregnant. So it's going to awhile because they have to make sure the baby is okay.

He took a seat. He wished he had John's number. He'd like to tell him what's going on. So he texted Korey.

Ben: Do you have John's number?

Korey: Yea I do! (000) -123-4567

Ben: Thanks!

He texted the number.

Ben: John, it's Ben. I'm with Jen in the hospital. She's unconscious.

John: What? Okay I will be on my way.

Jen and baby please be okay.

Sixteen And Pregnantحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن