Calm Before the Strom

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School had just got out. Ben and I are on the buss. I texted my mom to let her know that I'm going over to Ben's. She doesn't mind I chill with him.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"It was good. You?"

"Busy. I sure hope I past the math test."

The bus came to a stop. A few kids got off the bus.

"What's up with John? He wasn't in a good mood today."

"Because I told him to stay away from me."


"Ben, you know why!" Ugh, why is he an idiot.

"Jen, calm down. I'm sorry."

I turned my head to look at the window. We didn't say a word for the whole bus ride.

Once it came to his stop. We rose from the seat and we walked out of the bus and we entered his house.

His home was clean and the slaves were neatly organized and all their furniture matched.

I followed Ben up the stairs to his room. "Where is everyone?"

"Working." He opened his bedroom door and we both walked in.

His room was clean and his bed is made. They must be very clean people.

We set our bags on the floor and we sit on his bed.

"Ben, I'm thinking about getting a abortion."

"Jen, you don't have money to pay for it and plus your parents will get the bill. It's better to tell them."

"I will. I'm sorry that I yelled at you on the bus. I'm not sure what overcame me."

"It's fine. So when do you plan on telling your parents?"

"I can send them both a text. It will be easier for me than to tell them face to face." I pulled out my  phone out of my backpack and I send both parents a text.

"I'm going to my homework. I hope they won't get mad." Ben got into his bag and he's digging for his homework.

I sat there with my heart beating madly against my chest. I'm so scared. What are they going to day?

My phone went off a couple of times. Do I dare read them?

Ben watched me. "Are you going read them?"

I shook my head and I reached out my arm. "You read them."

He grabbed my phone. I watched him read my texts. "Dad said: Who got you pregnant? Do I need to shoot him?"

I giggled at his text.

"Mom said: Wtf Jen?! I raised you better! Now get your ass home!"

The text from mom scares me. "I should head home." I gather my things and I leave his house.

As I stepped onto his porch, my heart began to race and my body began to shake as if it knows something bad is going to happen at home.

I take a deep breath and I step onto the ground and I walk home.


I place my hand on the cold doorknob and I bit my lip, regretting whatever is going to happen when I open the door.

I opened it and I walked in. My parents are both sitting on the couch. My dad looks worried and my mother looks mad. I slip off my shoes and I put my bag on the floor.

"Jennifer, get over here now!" I sure pissed her off. I walk into the living room and I stand, facing them.

"What happened?"

"Explain yourself,  missy!"

"I was so stupid. Okay?" Tears rolled down my cheeks. "It was his fault."

My mother shook her head. "No, it's your fault for letting it happen. You could've easily stopped it."

"Honey, you're being to hard on her."

"She deserves it! Jen, you are a disgrace to this family! You have to live with the father! Get your stuff and get your ass out! I don't want to see you or your baby!"

I cried loudly. I couldn't believe my mother is kicking me out. I run upstairs and I grab a bag from my neatly organized closet. I threw clothes and important stuff.

My phone went off as I was packing. I pull my phone out of my pocket and I glare at the screen, I got a text from Ben.

Ben: What happened?

I wipe my tears off. Jen: I'm forced to live with John. I gotta go.

I pick up my bag and I leave the house.

Poor Jenny! :(

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