author's note

3.2K 92 8

thank you for reading this guys and for continously waiting for my updates♡ 1K votes is really heartwhelming♡ it's 840th on ff, i'm very happy and grateful.

i have a problem actually. i tried getting my account logged in on computer but i forgot what is my password :(( i changed it long time ago. when i logged in recently, i was able to get logged in. then yesterday, i suddenly forgot what is my password. :((

so im trying not to get on settings or anything here in my phone so it won't let me re-log in or log out my account. bcs once that happens, i'll not be able to get this acc back.

im trying really hard to remember my password.

but if ever i've gone hiatus for a month or two, it might mean i've  already lost this acc. which i will not let it happen.

prayers for me and my account.

ilovey'all ♡


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