5. shy | 원필

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"What's your schedule for today?" Wonpil asked as he walk you to your first class. He has always been so protective to you and you always thought it's a cute thing. Being his girlfriend and having him as your boyfriend was one of the best gift you ever had.

"No vacant at all," you said pouting. He laughed silently. "I will just eat with Sungjin," he said and squeezed your hand.

"Remember, our date this afternoon," you reminded Wonpil. He nodded slowly and pinched your cheek.

You'll have some time together since it's the only time you're both free. He started training at JYP while you started doing your research papers.

You both turned silent until you reached your room. He was still holding your hand and he won't let go.

"Oppa, I need to go," you said waving his hand off. "Arasseo," he said and let go of your hand.

"I'll see you after class," he said and pecked at your lips. He ran away and left you dumbfounded.

That was your first kiss.

That was the first time Wonpil kissed you in your lips.

Disappointment and surprise, that's what you felt.

You always thought of your first kiss as a special moment. But it wasn't. But even if it wasn't your heart still raced and you felt like that moment was in a slow motion.

You entered your room still surprised at Wonpil's action and attended your classes.


Class has ended and you're waiting for Wonpil. You're getting crazy on how you should act with Wonpil. Act normal. Act normal, you told yourself.

You already saw Wonpil approaching so you waved at him and he smiled. He hugged you as he reached you.

"Let's go?" he asked. You nodded. Then you went to the mall. You first decided to watch movie. You picked a horror movie since you find love story corny. Wonpil agreed.

The movie's already ending. You're hugging Wonpil's arms, frightened of what will happen to the protagonist.

Suddenly, the boy protagonist sacrifices his life for the girl protagonist and confesses his love for her. Then they kissed.

Remembering Wonpil kissing you, made you sit properly and pushed yourself away from Wonpil. It was awkward. He also felt embarrassed because he was also looking at the opposite direction.

He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry about a while ago," he said.

You held his hand and said, "It's okay. As long as it's you." He smiled. Then he leaned close to you.

He kissed you. It wasn't just a peck. It was long. And, imagine you were kissing at the same as the protagonists in the movie.

It might not be your first kiss but it was special.


omfg. i can imagine embarrassed wonpil tbh ×♡× IM BACK!

anw, vote and comment.

iloveyall // park's ♡


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