Ch.15 The S Class Pt.1

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I'm so so so sorry but this part was gonna be sooo much more detailed than this but I wrote it an the story got deleted so I have to rewrite it.....I'm sorry enjoy.

Georgia P.O.V

I'm helping Tegan win one of the S Class Wizard positions.

No ones P.O.V

Tegan and Georgia were walking in to the caves and heard shouting it's Alexia.
And so a battle began.
Tegan started the fight with a spell followed by Georgia. Tegan's spell hit Alexia and Kaci changed armour.

A few minutes later

"DECAY OF THE SUN!!" Tegan shouted, using the last of her magic energy to cast that spell. Kaci was already knocked out. Alexia hit the wall and passed out and Tegan and Georgia walked out to the end of the cave and there was a sign saying wait for the others to join and enjoy some tea and cookies.

Over to Katie

Me and Rhys were walking and came to an open cave area which I believed to be a puzzle game. "NOOOOOO!!!" I shouted. "What wrong Katie!" Rhys asked. "It's math!" I replied, I'm terrible at math. "Leave it to me!" Rhys said.

Moments later

"I Give up!!" Rhys shouted. "Well it looks like we should guess." I said and Rhys shouted no as I typed in 1234. 'Ping, the pin you have typed is correct'
"Wow that was easy." I said. "No way!" Rhys said. We then walked out the caves and found Tegan and Georgia drinking tea and eating?? "COOKIES!!!" I shouted.

Over to Celsey

I was walking in the caves and walked into a person. "I'm s-sorr- LIBBY~SENPAI!!" I said. "What did you-- never mind" she said. The battle began. I made a canvas appear and Libby got confused. "First can I paint your portrait??" I said. "Oh sure I guess, I know I'm famous" she replied. She just how I imagined her. I started painting and secretly casted a fairy sleep spell behind her. Eventually she was asleep. The gate opened so I can go through I won oh that was easy. 
I went over to Libby and said goodbye and left. I met up with the others to have a cup of tea. The rest of the challenges would continue tomorrow.

Sorry about this part not being how it was originally planed but I hope you enjoyed anyway!

See you next part!

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