Ch.3 The ball Pt.3

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Tegan P.O.V

While I was dancing with Gene I noticed someone familiar and I got distracted and tripped over my own foot. "Whoa!! Careful" Gene said. "S-Sorry" I said. I knew who that was, I-it was my childhood friend M-Mollie. I ran over to her and I forgot that Gene was with me, he ran after me. As I was running I shouted "Mollie-Senpai!!"
We called each other senpai, literally all the female characters do.
"Tegan!" She shouted and I hugged her, she was like a big sister to me, Katie and Libby. ( Alexia also was friends with Mollie but the others did not know! ) "Have you seen Libby" she asked. "Yeah she is over there!" I said I forgot that Mollie was technically Libby's boss. "I'll talk to you later Tegan!" She smiled. "Bye Mollie!"
I can't wait to tell Katie about Mollie being back.
"Sorry Gene about that, that's my childhood friend Mollie."
"That fine." He brought his face toward mine but before he could kiss me *CRASH* the hall doors were broken down.
"Were under attack!!!" Lord Cameron shouted. "Tegan run!" Gene shouted. "No way, I can fight!" I shouted. "LIGHT DANCE!!!" A bright light shined and blasted toward the enemies. "Tegan!!!" Libby, Mollie and Katie ran to my side. "DRAGONS BREATH!!" Katie shouted and attacked. "SASSY ATTACK!!" Libby shouted.

"Never underestimate girl power bitch!" I laughed.

Alexia was using her mind-controlling attack, but they got her. "ALEXIA!!!" Cameron shouted. I ran to her side and so did Libby ( they may of hated each other but Libby still wanted to help ) 
"Alexia, are you ok?!" me and Libby shouted. " please ladies get her to a safe place!!" Lord Cameron shouted with a hint of worry in his voice. We could not deny because he was the Lord. "Okay!!" Me and Libby helped her to her feet and ran away "DANCING LIGHT" a light appeared and we ran it was a good spell to use to escape from these situation.

*time skip, after battle*

Lord Cameron enters the room with the rest of the group. I had learnt a healing spell so I was using it but because I have not mastered it yet it takes so much magical energy out of me plus it also hurts me if I use it that's why I don't usually use it, my hands are shaking, but I got to keep it up for her. As soon as Katie noticed what spell I was using.... "Tegan!! Stop that spell!!!" She shouted but when she went to grab me she was stopped by Rhys and Jack. "Let go of me!!! Tegan stop your hurting yourself using that spell!!!" She shouted in sadness and anger. "It's okay Katie I'm f-fine!!" My shaking hands started to seem more visible, I stopped the spell because I started to feel light headed and stood up and fell and was caught by Gene.... "you okay??" He said but I ignored that. Alexia started to wake up and the ball continued as if nothing happened.

I was in a group with Mollie, Alexia, Katie, Libby and Celsey.

Libby and Alexia decided to like each other so no one else would notice...

The guys were in a group talking to each other.

What will happen next time.... find out soon see ya!!!!

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