Chapter 3 ~ Those Lips

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I grabbed my and headed down the road to find the nearest shop. As I was walking I met some shops and finally around the corner was the grocery store. I was happy that I lived near a town-like area. I opened the door and went in, I got all my supplies and then I remembered that I have to get a new shampoo. As I moved through the asile someone came in a hurry and bumped into me. I fell on the floor with a sudden pain in my ankle.

"Im so sorry, I didn't mean to make you fall" the person said as he was bending down to help me get up."No, its okay" I said as I was looking up to this strangers face and was shocked. "Jimin?" I asked in surprise. Jimin starred at me for a second as if he was trying to remember who I am. "Y/N ? we met on the plane didn't we?" he asked in a surprising voice. I nodded my head in response and then only I noticed I was clinging on to jimins arm, I quickly let go of his arm, he noticed it too. But when I tried to walk I was going to fall again and my ankle hurt really bad, I quickly clinged on to jimins arm as he used his other hand to catch me.

"Are you okay ? I think you have sprained your ankle" Jimin said in a kind voice.
" yes but its ok I'll manage to walk"
"No no let me take you home" and with that said Jimin bent down. "come on I'll take you home" he aid in a caring voice. I got onto Jimins back. We took our groceries and paid the bill and went out of the store. Jimin took me to a which I assume might be his. He carefully sat me down and we drove off. As I told him the directions to my house I took no more than 5 minutes. Jimin stopped the car and came to get me.We walked inside and jimin placed me on the couch.
"thank you Jimin for your help but I think its better if you leave now" I said looking at my red ankle.

"ummm.. no I caused this mess so I should be responsible, wait here I'll bring some ice"Jimin disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a pack of ice. As he gently started patting my ankle area with the ice, I couldn't stop starring at him. He just made my heart feel something that I have never felt in my entire life. Due to the fact that I have NEVER had a boyfriend and still didn't have my FIRST kiss. I kept staring at him and my eyes drifted to his lips. "URGH Y/N whats wrong with you ? he came to help not for any other reason" I told myself. But that didn't stop me from staring at him.

"I think your pain would reduce" jimin said as I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. "hmm okay" I said and tried to get up but fell on the couch with jimin on top of me. we kept eye contact for a few seconds and I couldn't help it because my eyes kept on looking at jimins lips and back to his eyes. And I saw jimin was doing the same.

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