They All Fell Down

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I see things in my sleep, things I dare not tell to others because of how real they are. My dreams have turned into my nightmares and those nightmares have turned into reality. A dark, cold, demented and twisted version of my reality.

My name is Jake Golding, I am 32 years old and I already have a beautiful wife, Sarah Golding, age 30, who is the love of my life. I also have two wonderful children who I adore who's names are Henry Golding and Jess Golding, ages 12 and 15 respectively. These three people were my world and my life. After all having a family is a wondrous thing and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

We decided to have a fresh start by moving into a new town, new neighbours and a new house. We used to live in Dallas until gun violence increased exponentially and with plenty of robberies and murders going around well it was just too dangerous to live there anymore. So without much doubt we decided to move from America to Australia and have a fresh start in Nairne, Adelaide, SA.

The house itself had a great view of the countryside which inhabited much of these parts, significantly different to what we're used to in America. It was a plain, old two story house out in the countryside with a couple of streets and houses to accompany the space. The house itself needed a coat of paint and a bit of a fix but other than that it was a beautiful sight with a pond in the backyard, the house made of mostly wood and a grand fireplace.

It took a few weeks to do the house up but after that it looked as good as new and we already made friends with the locals and my kids were actually loving school. Me and my wife loved it here and it seemed the kids did too. So by now you're probably wondering what the point to this story is? The point is simple, never think there isn't something sinister lurking underneath the happiness and the sunshine.

After one week had passed since fixing the house my nightmares started. Well to be honest I had a few of them when I was young and again when I lived in Dallas but I was hoping they were gone. My mum claimed that she saw me sleepwalking once and using the tomato sauce to draw all over the walls, almost gave my little sister a heart attack.

I never really saw any pictures or videos or memory of this so I thought it was just parent superstition. That's what I thought until now. My nightmares come to me like any other dream except when it starts its hard to wake up. I feel like I'm trapped in a dark room full of people I can't see staring at me, mocking me and telling me to come closer. I'm just sprawled out across the floor, staying in the only source of light I could find, hearing nothing else except taunts, screams and music playing.

That's when I see a flash of white and a crack in the darkness which I would always look up at to see what caused it. And always the same girl, who looked like Jess, would look up at me and smile. But it wasn't the smile she gave me in reality, it was sick and twisted with her teeth rotting and dripping with blood.

Flies would swarm around me in the room and I would have no choice but to run as fast as I could through the hoard of invisible creatures until I reached Jess, always on my knees. I would look up and see an expressionless blank, bleeding face look down at me and see that demented smile break out across her face.

I guess that's when I wake up and see Sarah stare at me in horror, I look down at myself and feel a slight pain in my right arm and little lines of blood throughout my side of the covers. That's when I looked down at my arm and see cuts all along from the elbow to the hand, covered in dripping, crimson blood.

I hear my wife start crying and start to wonder what the hell just happened.

For the next few days after explaining to my family about the nightmares I've been having, Sarah made me sleep in the basement and see what would happen the following morning. To add to trying to remember what happened and as proof that I'm not insane I start to right entries in my journal about what happened each morning.

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