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"Have you seen Courtney?" McKenzie asked Scout when she saw her.

 " No last time i saw her was in Mr Bugden's class , i think she's gone to find Lauren i got to go" Scout said occupied by her phone . McKenzie went up to the top corridor to get a view of what's going on .


"How many teachers are we down?" Michael asked Sian as they were walking out of his office .

"8 at the last count" Sian replied.

"What's going on?" McKenzie asked

"Teachers on strike" Michael told her .

 "Make that 9 Jez is there, there is no way we can cover that amount of staff" Tom said .

"Then we utilise the teaching assistance hand out work sheets let's keep this disruption to an absolute minimum" Michael said

"Dad , have you seen outside?" McKenzie questioned him, Michael , Sian and Tom turned their heads to see the students walking out of school .

 "The union won't back this" Michael said running down the stairs .

 "Come on" Sian went over to McKenzie and rubbed her back and McKenzie followed the teachers downstairs.

life of a child whos parents are teachers at Waterloo RoadWhere stories live. Discover now