Tiny fight

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Mackenzie walked over to her locker with Cara to find graffiti all over saying Daddy's girl . Mackenzie was fuming now . Cara stood by Mackenzie's locker and Tariq came over with a crowd .

"You Bastard" Mackenzie shouted at him.

"Is that the best you can do , are you scared you will get into trouble with daddy?" Tariq asked . Suddenly Mackenzie punched Tariq in the face . The two started fighting and the crowd were chanting fight , fight , fight.  Soon Tom came over and separated the pair .

"Right I think you need a trip to Mr Byrne's office you to " Tom said annoyed , Mackenzie wiped her lip which had blood on it and walked off , Cara began to follow.

"Not you Cara"Tom said marching Tariq and Mackenzie away .


"MUM" Courtney ran into the staffroom .

"Courtney you're not allowed in here "Sian said , Courtney walked up to Sian and gave her a hug.

"Everything is going wrong " Courtney cried .

"It's alright darling " Sian said .

"No Mackenzie got into a fight with Tariq" Courtney said

"What is okay ?" Sian said with a worried expression on her face.

"Tariq kept calling her daddy's girl and graffiti all over her locker, They have been sent to dad" Courtney explained .

"Come on lets go to the hall we can't stay here forever" Sian said .


"That is completely unacceptable behaviour !" Michael growled at Mackenzie and Tariq.

"She started it" Tariq said .

"NO I didn't you did!" Mackenzie argued .

"Right well I'm finishing it now .. Both of you can have detention at lunch all next week now go " Michael snapped , Tariq walked out .

"Mackenzie " Michael said.


"I don't want you arguing again or fighting your my daughter and your supposed to be setting a example " Michael said .

"Why is it up to me , you have other daughters ?" Mackenzie shouted .

"Because they seem to prefer your mum to me" Michael argued .

"I don't really care " Mackenzie said and walked off .

life of a child whos parents are teachers at Waterloo RoadWhere stories live. Discover now