lesson with Mr Clarkson

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The first lesson was English with Mr Clarkson .

"You too are like two peas in a pod" Scout laughed as Courtney and Cara came along .

"Does he want us to knock ?" Cara said as they all gathered around the door , Courtney laughed so did Cara .

Then a girl who everyone knew as Gabriella pushed Courtney through the door.

" Do not push me again or else " Courtney said

" Right settle down you lot , you  get the tape " Mr Clarkson said to Courtney .

"Does Mr Byrne know about this ?" Cara asked him . Courtney shook her head and her and Mackenzie could not stop laughing as they sat down .

"Mr Byrne is quite aware  of the subject" Mr Clarkson replied .

"I do not think my dad would agree to this " Cara said .

"Well he did , you can not play smart with me just because your his daughters" He pointed to them but mostly Courtney .

"Down their " Clarkson pointed to the door and where to put the tape.

"we won't be able to get out" Scout said .

" Not like your going anywhere is it " He replied .

"ITS a fire hazard " Gabriella exclaimed .

" Then do not start any fires" He said sitting down .

Then their was a knock at the door and the twins Rhona and Shona were standing at the door wanting to get in .

Everyone laughed when they had to crawl under the tape to get in .


During the lesson Courtney got a text from Sian saying the verdict was not guilty.
"Dad Is going to be pissed off " Courtney said to Cara .

The lesson went by fast after that and everyone bolted out of the door when the lesson ended.

"Well I'm off to find Scout " Courtney said .

Courtney put on her pink coat over her blazer and walked out over to the playground to find who was talking to Harley and then Maxine came over .

"BOO" Maxine said and Courtney laughed .

They then spoke about Mr Byrne and Miss Diamond being Cara , Courtney's and Mackenzie's parents ..

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