We are helping YOU! (one direction)

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"Mum I'm coming!" I screamed and ran after her.

Mum disappeared in the big crowed. Why were it a this large amount of people in the same spot? Mum would kill me if we came late for the plane to Barcelona...

"Excuse me" I said and tried to push me throe the crowed. "HEY! You need to wait for you're chance!" one girl screamed and pushed me (with my lodge) out of the way. Good god! I tried to run passed it when something hit me hard.

"OH SHIT! Sorry! Let me help you!" three boys said at the same time. "You got to be kidding me right?" I said and rolled my eyes. Me *bumping* into three guys... "You must have hit your head" the curly one said. I laughed and felt his hair. It felt... curly. I grinned. "Okay... she must have hit her head really hard, Come on lads we need to help this lady in need" he said again. I just laughed at them. "I don't need help" I said and laughed again. "Sure babe" the blond one said and threw me over his back. No fair! "Hey! Let me down!! you know this count like kidnapping RIGHT!" I screamed while they carried me away. They just laughed at me. "Oh my god I'm being kidnapped! What should I do?" I said and tried to think of what I should do. My phone buzzed.

"Hello?" I said. "EMMA! Where are you! The plane leaves in thirty minutes!" mum said. "Uhm I think I'm going to take a later plane" I said and looked at one of the five boys. "Oh Look Liam she has a phone!" Curly said to this Liam dude. The Liam dude took my phone. How could he! First they kidnap me and now this! "Yes she ran right into us, we are so sorry, yes we fix so she take the next plane, she will be in good hands Mrs.. martin" Liam said and hung up. "Can someone please let me down! I think I am going to throw up soon" I said and with that I was on the floor.

"Niall!!! why did you drop her! If you have said that you were tired I should have taken her" One dark-haired boy said. "She said she was going to throw up on me!" this Niall whined. They laughed and then girl's came running. oh look they're smiling!

"Damn, Shit! Zayn can you take her or should I?" Liam said and looked at the black-haired boy. "Hey! I can walk and I'm going to tell you a secret..." I said. One light-brown haired boy with braces came forward. "What! Tell me!!" he squealed like a little girl. I laughed. "I can run to" I whispered. Liam rolled his eyes. While poor braces-boy didn't get the joke. He did a I-wont-tell thing and I nodded. "Okay then... RUN!" Curly screamed. We ran past some terminals.

"Wait! Where are we running?!" I screamed. Liam stopped. "THAT WAY!" he screamed and we ran in another direction. Hm... wasn't it a band called that... direction, infection, subjection... ah what ever. We ran and jumped into a van. I sat down beside This Niall dude and Curly.

"Okay now why were we running? are you guys wanted or something? OH you're spies!" I screamed and poked Niall. He had nice cheeks. He looked at me weirdly. "You're not a fan?" This Zayn dude said. "No... wait... what... are you famous?" I asked and did a OMG-move. Curly slapped his forehead. "What is it Curly?" I asked. Braces-boy laughed. "Told you" he said.

"Then we need to present us" Liam said. "Oh I already have a name for you all" I smirked. They looked at me like what-are-she-going-to-do-next. I laughed amused. "You are Niall, cause I herd You Liam say that" I said and first point to Niall then Liam. They nodded. "You're Zayn or black-haired-boy like I called you first" I said and pointed to Zayn who had his hands protecting over his hair. Why? He is a strange boy... "And that is Curly and braces-boy" I ended the circle. They laughed.

"Braces-boy really... Hey what's your name!" braces-boy said and pointed at me. "ME! I, I..." someone cut me of. "Oh shit! she has lost her memory!" Zayn said. We laughed. "No I know my name!... and it is Emma" I said and I took some hair away from my eyes and placed it behind my ear. "Gosh for a second I though we had seriously endured you" Zayn said. "No you just kidnapping me" I said and laughed. "We're not Kidnapping you! We are saving you" Curly said. "SUPERMAAANN" braces-boy screamed. "and what is wrong with braces-boy? they're sitting to tight?" I asked and looked at him with a sad-face. They laughed. "No he is just obsessed with superman" Curly said. "Harry I'm not obsessed!" Braces-boy said and slapped his arm. "So you're name is Harry! Ha how funny! Hairy Harry!!! that's sooo funny! You're new nickname is Hairy Harry!!" I laughed. They looked at me like whatta-fuck?! I laughed harder.

"Yep she needs help!" Hairy Harry said. "I didn't hit my head!" I said and stopped laughing. "Why are you so weird then?" Braces-boy said and looked at me with his eyebrows in a upside down V. I rolled my eyes. "Because that's who I am! Shouting-superman-randomly-boy" I said and looked at him. He shrugged. "Oh no... we've found someone that's worse then Louis" Liam cursed. I laughed. "Sorry guys it was you who ran into me! Not my fault you kidnapped me" I said.

Oh yeah they had kidnapped me how should I escape... maybe just open the door and jump... no that would hurt. AND Liam would stop me. Hm... what about when the van stops...

"So you're totally Normal right now?" Zayn asked. That was offensive! "Yes! And hey! Braces-boy! You're real name is Louis... Are you french?" I asked. And started to say Louis in a French ascent. He laughed and shock his head. "No I'm not French" he said. I kept saying Loueh. I stopped. "Then why do you have a french name?" I asked. Louis tapped his forehead like Winnie the pooh. "I don't know" he said. Niall laughed.

"I'm hungry what about we stop by Nando's?" he said. "YEY! Food!" I said. "I was a little nervous that I wouldn't get any food on this Kidnapping" I said and they laughed. "We are not kidnapping you! Why do you keep saying that?" Liam said. "Because if I stop say that you are going to kill me when I am out of guard" I said and looked suspiciously at them. Curly laughed.

"1D the murders" he laughed. I didn't get it. "1D what? I don't get it" I said and sat there like a question-mark. They couch a breath. "You don't know about 1D!" Braces-boy said and looked at me discuses. "What do 1D stands for?" I asked. They looked more at me. "Okay she wont figure it out, it stands for One Direction" Hairy Harry said and sighted. Oh! They were that hip new boy band. "Ah! You are that new Boy band! One direction! That was it!" I said and nodded. They laughed.

"Wow I never thought we found someone more random and weird then Louis but here we have her! And I like her!" Harry said and hugged me. I pushed him aside. "Please Liam! Please! can we keep her!" Louis nagged. I looked at them in chock. "I don't know, it'll be a big responsibility" Liam said. "And do you remember the gold-fishes?" Liam said. They nodded. "Yes but that wont happen again! We promise!" they said. I gasped. "HEY! I'm not a animal! I'm a human being! So shout up I belong to myself!" I said and took my hod up. Dumb kidnappers.

"Sorry for that Emma they are quite mean sometimes" Niall said and took a hand on my shoulder. "Hey Niall you got a strange ascent! What are you from? WAIT! I guess!... hmm Pluto?" I asked deadly serous. He looked at me and the others laughed. "No I'm not from Pluto!" he said and looked at me like are you insane! Hm... "What about Amsterdam?" I asked. "No" he sighted. "No you're right only hamsters live there and you aren't a hamster! Haha Oh idea! If you were a hamster you could do a 1D and the hamster movie!" I said. They laughed. "NO! I'm not a hamster!! I'm from Ireland" he said. My eyes got big. "No way!" I said. "That's so cool" I said and poked him to see if he was real. Yup he was. "You like Ireland?" he questioned. "Yes I really like Ireland! It's so cool" I said and smiled. The van stopped. "NANDO'S!!!!!!!!" I screamed and jumped out of the car.

A/N what do you think? Vote's and Comment's doo my days! sooo please i beg of you comment what you think! even if you just comment Carrots it makes me happy sooo VOTE AND COMMENT!

have a chapter in store but i want a vote for that... DEAL?

Love Emma

We're Helping YOU! (one direction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ