Chapter eighteen

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Chapter eighteen

Tori’s POV

“What you in for?” a girl asked me picking at her nails. “hu?” I asked confused. “Whose your mate?” she asked me. “Alpha Rayne Carter.” She choked on her spit. “He’s got the most powerful pack on this hemisphere. What’s the guy thinking suicide. Good. I’d like to see him dead. Oh well. Anna my mate is the beta of the main California pack. Lucy’s the alpha’s mate of the main Texas Pack. we all just got here too.” Anna told me I saw Lucy had a watch. “What time is it?” I asked her. “Almost noon.” I froze and pounded on the door. “What?” the guard asked annoyed. “I need my medication please tell me you guys at least tried to figure me out first.” I begged. “Just saw you were the alpha’s mate and took you. what the hell are you talking about medication?” he asked. I backed up. “You’ll find out soon enough.” I gulped he grumbled as shadows began to appear. I closed my eyes and curled up into a ball. “What’s up with you?” Anna asked me. “I’m literally insane. I have ADD ADHD, OCD, an anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, a nightmare disorder where I frequently have nightmares, bipolar disorder, and lastly dyslexia.” I told her. she whistled lowly and sat down. “Okay. this could be a good thing and a bad thing.” She said as her face morphed. I held in my scream and hid my face in my knees. Rayne think Rayne. I closed my eyes and saw a knife at his throat. I screamed opened in my eyes tears flowing down. a couple guards ran in and I screamed at the sight of them. one as melting the other had his stomach ripped open guts pouring out. “what’s wrong with her?” a male’s Voice yelled I screamed backing into the wall. “She’s insane. Literally.” Anna said and informed them on the situation. “That only will make her mate come faster. Someone take her and strap her down.”

When they came at me I bolted screaming my lungs out. I knew they were chasing me. I saw a vent and climbed in when no one was looking. Last time I was like this it took an entire hospital staff to catch me.

Rayne’s POV

I watched as the clock ticked past noon and collapsed hearing her screams faintly in the back of my head. “have Alpha Mathews and beta Madison made it yet?” I asked. “Yes alpha. And several of their fighters.” A little girl told me I smiled at her. “Thank you. I think my mother is making cookies. Why don’t you go help her.” she smiled running away she was the orphan of the pack. her father died in battle and her mother in childbirth. I took her in as my little sister. She’s only about three and a half.

“Yours?” a guy my age asked me. “No she’s an orphan. She’s like a little sister to me.” “My mate Lucy was taken about a day ago. I’m Andrew Mathews.” Andrew told me. I nodded and looked at beta Madison. “My mate was taken yesterday. Anna she’s the alpha’s daughter. I’m Alex Madison.” I nodded. “Gentlemen I’m Rayne Carter My mate Tori was kidnapped this morning. There is something about her that will buy us some time. putting a hold on their plans whatever they maybe. My mate has ADD ADHD, OCD, an anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, a nightmare disorder she frequently has nightmares, bipolar disorder, and lastly dyslexia.” I told them. “Wow. How is this relevant?” Andrew asked. “when she does not get her medication on time. everyone becomes the enemy. And she runs around screaming trying to find a safe place. Now she only has two. One she won’t tell me and another I have already checked and left a pack member there in case she finds it. she is human as well.” I said packing the injections I will need to put in my mate when I see her.

Tori’s POV

I was curled up in a ball when someone found me I punched them and took off running trying to find an exit. I ran out to a garden. A woman froze when she heard my scream. I slapped a hand over my mouth and took off running again.

I somehow made it onto the roof I was curled up in a ball when a wolf slowly made their way to me. I screamed again kicking the wolf away from me. I started running through the woods half of their pack chasing after me.

Unknown POV

“How the hell does an eighteen year old HUMAN girl out run a pack of werewolves?” I asked as another piercing scream rang throughout the house. “She’s insane sure she’s running on pure adrenaline.” one of my fighters told me. “And were positive she’s not faking this?” I asked. “It’s all here in her medical records.” The pack doctor told me. “And are we sure she’s one hundred percent human?” I asked. He nodded once again. I balled my hands in fists. “How long before she wears out?” I asked. “The longest she’s done this is about a week alpha.” I growled and ran a hand through my hair. “Catch her before then. Then strap her down and put her under.” I ordered. He nodded and left to get a room ready.

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