chapter one

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Chapter one

Tori’s POV

I sat on my cot my new roommate  cracking her gum every so often making me twitch. I have ADD ADHD, OCD, an anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, a nightmare disorder where I frequently have nightmares, bipolar disorder, and lastly dyslexia.

I’m also a nervous scratcher as my dad calls it. I scratched the back of my hand till it bleed now I have three scars on the back of my hand, (AN I actually did that once! After I stopped scratching my hand I started scratching my arm but someone saw the blood running down my hand! it was nasty!) now I have to keep my nails cut down to the nub. My neck also twitches when a cold breeze touches it for the first time snapping my head as far back as it goes to the right three times in three quick seconds or it sticks there for three seconds. A nurse walked in and smiled at me. I bit my lip. “Tori get your things your leaving your father is having you released sweetie. Make sure you take your pills or they’ll send you back I know this place only makes your symptoms worse.” she said I smiled biting my lip. She was my favorite nurse. I grabbed my bag and jumped down. my roommate grabbed my leg making me trip. “opps.” She giggled. I really don’t know what’s wrong with her. I think she’s just really mean. The nurse sighed and helped me up. “Common.” She sighed taking my hand. she reminded me of my mom just a younger version. My mom died when she was thirty.

 A long time ago she said I reminded her of her dead sister. “Remember to write Tori.” She told me. “I will Anna.” I smiled and ran over to my dad. He hugged me close and buried his face in my neck. “I missed you baby girl.” He whispered and I knew he was crying. For the past six months he hasn’t been able to visit me. I hugged my dad closer. “I missed you too daddy.” I whispered and he lead me to his car outside. I breathed in the non bleached air and he laughed. “When was the last time you where on this side of that door?” he asked me. “Last time I was on this side I was at moms funeral. Six years ago.  two years after I enter the place.” I was nine when my doctor told dad I had to be here when I didn’t. I’ve been homeschooled all my life.

“so what do you think of going to high school?” dad asked me as we pulled into a Mc Donald’s. “I don’t know. I guess. As long as I take my meds I should be fine.” I told dad getting out of the car. “what do you want?” he asked me. “Whatever you order for me.” I said looking at everything. “Grilled barbeque snack wraps medium fries. And a medium wild berry. Then a big Mack and a large fries and large coke.” Dad said. the guy at the cash register nodded and told dad the price. “Go find a place to sit.” Dad said as he paid. I nodded and saw an empty both. Five minutes later dad walked over with our order. “Here’s yours.” He said pushing a pile of food at me. “That’s a lot!” I said as dad laughed. “I’ll help you.” “Okay.” I giggled and took a sip of the smoothie. Yumm!

I woke up in the middle of the night. Nightmare. I taught myself  not to scream after a night mare. The only time I do is when something extremely scary happens. This time a clown ripped my face off. and that wasn’t as scary as it usually gets. I ran to my dad’s room. “Daddy?” I asked scared. He groaned and looked at me. “What?” he asked. “Nightmare.” I whispered he motioned me over. “Nothing bad is going to happen to you Tori.” He promised. I smiled and hugged my dad.

I looked at the building in front of me and shuddered. “This place looks worse than the asylum.” I told dad and he laughed putting an arm around me and dragged me in. “You took your meds right?” dad asked me as we reached the office. “but I have to take some at noon.” I told him. “I know I called already and your allowed to have your med carried around school with you. there in your purse.” He told me. nodded. “Uh Victoria Monroe.” Dad said to the secretary. “Hello Tori I have your schedule and a map.” She told me I nodded and took the papers from her hand. “class started five minutes ago.” I nodded again waveing goodbye to my dad he looked a little worried. “Oh here’ a slip for your teachers so they know your conditions.” She said I frowned and walked out taking the paper. I looked and saw it only said I had dyslexia ADHD and ADD. I sighed walking to my first class.

When I found it I sighed and opened the door. “excuse me. I’m Tori Monroe is this room 401?” I asked the teacher. She nodded and looked at me. “Tori take any empty seat.” She said as I handed her the note she nodded handing it back to me. I saw there was only one empty seat next to a hot guy. And very muscular. I sighed and sat next to him keeping my head low. He handed me a note I pushed it back my hand momentarily touching his sending sparks across my body. He looked confused. And pushed it back. I sighed and looked at for several minutes finally understanding it. my name is Rayne. I sighed and looked up at him. he smiled when our eyes met just as the bell rang. “I have to go to my next class.” I told him as he smiled. “uh what’s your class?” he asked me. “back off Rayne! Newbie and I have some catching up to do!” a familiar voice said I spun around and saw my old roommate Sasha. I smiled and hugged her. “Thank you.” I mouthed to her. she smiled and pushed the boy following her at Rayne. She smiled and took my schedule. “Great we have the same classes. See you boys later!” she said and dragged me to my next class.

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