chapter three

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Chapter three

Tori’s POV

I smiled at my dad as I twirled in the black jeans and bright green and grey striped shirt. “It needs something.” He said and I nodded in agreement. Dad was taking me shopping so I wasn’t wearing plain white tee shirts and light blue jeans. So far I had five jeans and twelve shirts. Four jackets. Five hoodies. And three sneakers. He tossed me a black jacket that’s sleeves stopped at the elbows. I pulled it on and spun again. “I like it.” I told him. “but this is the last time. other than food your buying me today!” I ordered him he nodded and told me to change back.

As we walked around the mall I saw Sasha calling someone. I handed dad my bags and ran over to her she jumped and smiled at me. “You scared me!” she laughed. “Sorry. so when’s that date?” I asked her. “right now I was trying to call your dad. To let him know. But here you are.” She said pulling me into a half hug. I nodded and looked at dad he waved and left me there. “he knew didn’t he?” I asked her. she nodded and laughed as I rolled my eyes. “So what are we doing?” I asked her. “movies then fast food.” She said as Rayne and his friend walked over still haven’t got his name. “Josh.” He said and I smiled at him.  “Nice to meet you.” I told him. “Again.” he laughed. “It is. So Sasha hasn’t told me how you two meet yet mind elaborating?” he asked me. I looked at the floor. “You don’t have to tell us.” Rayne told me. I smiled at him. “Thanks. I try not to think to much about the past. Wasn’t to pleasant for me.” I told them as they lead me to the movies. “So what do you want to watch?” they asked me. I looked. “Its horror night. They’re playing saw. Scary movie. Nightmare on elm street. And a few others.” Sasha told me. “Whichever ones the scariest.” I said and patted my pockets for money. Rayne shook his head. “I’ll pay for you. four tickets for Friday the thirteenth.” He said pulling out his wallet.

During the movie I just bit my lips and waited for it to get scary. Seriously my nightmares are scarier than any scary movie. Rayne looked at me funny. After the movie he asked me if it scared me. “nope.” I shrugged. “Not one bit?” josh asked me. “I don’t scare easy.” I told them as Rayne led us to his car. “So what scares you?” Rayne asked me. “anything eating my flesh.” I told them and started giggling at Rayne and josh’s startled faces. “anything else?” they asked me. I shook my head and got in the car.

Rayne’s POV

I dropped Tori off at her house and sighed looking at Sasha. “How do you two know each other?” I asked her. “She’ll tell you when she completely trusts you. and when she does that is when you can tell her you’re a werewolf. make sure your holding her hand. and do not transform until she is calm.” She ordered me. I nodded confused. “it’ll make sense when you know everything.” She said patting my shoulder. I nodded and drove home.

Tori’s POV

I entered the house and saw dad flipping through the channels. “so how was it?” he asked me. I smiled. “kinda boring we saw a scary movie and went to get some food. That was nice the guys are pretty cool. And I think I like him, Rayne. he’s sweet. Really he is. And Sasha trusts him. which means he can’t be terrible. And Rayne likes the same things as me. music, art, he does more photography where I draw. But we just click.” I said dad smiled. “Sounds like you really like him.” he said getting my pills out and a bottle of water. “Your low I’ll get you more tomorrow.” dad told me. I nodded and took them all at once. He gapped at me. “That was like twenty pills how did you?” he asked me. “Easy practice. And it was seventeen.” I told him. “there’s only one thing I’m worried about.” “What?” dad asked me. “What will he do when he finds out I’m insane?” I asked dad. Dad pulled me into a hug. “you are not insane. You are just different.” Dad told me. I nodded and sat down on the couch.

The next morning I pulled out my pills for my schizophrenia. I set it down on the counter and grabbed my other pill bottle and froze when I heard it fall over I looked down and saw the last two pills roll down the sink. “DAD!” I yelled freaking out he ran in and saw my panicked face. “What’s wrong?” he asked worried. “The the pills sink!” I gasped falling to the floor my anxiety was coming in. “No. No no.” I gasped for air as dad called the pharmacy and put an order in for my pills. “Can you last till noon?” dad asked me. I whimpered. “I don’t know.” I gasped and pulled my head in between my knees. I was having trouble breathing as dad called me in sick and himself. “Relax and take these.” Dad said giving me a pill to calm me down.

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