Chapter seven

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Chapter seven

Tori’s POV

Rayne and I have been dating for a week and a half now and we still haven’t kissed mostly we almost kiss after a date. But normally I pull back or someone interrupts us. Usually after words either he or I will kiss the others cheek and leave.

I dad and I haven’t been able to buy the pup yet. But tonight he promised to take me. he cleared everything so we could buy the pup after I was done working on the background for an hour. Anna sends me out with the others after I finish putting things away.

The play mostly took place in the woods. And a high school. So right now I’m working on the  hallway where the female lead and male lead meet at the beginning. I smiled and finished sketching up the lockers and one class door. I still have an entire set of lockers to do. Anna walked over to me a guy beside her. “Tori this is Sam the principal decided for his punishment he would help you on your backdrops.” Anna told me I looked him over. “Can you draw?” I asked him. “no.” he said I sighed. Well he can help me somehow. I nodded. “okay I’ll figure out what you can do.” I said and looked at everything it took me an entire week to put what I have so far. “uh just sit until I figure out what to have you do.” I told him. he nodded and I started working again. “Where’s everyone else?” he asked me. “I work alone.” I told him and he laughed. “Wow. So your doing all the backdrops yourself?” he asked me. “I already have them designed.” I said and showed him the class room design. He whistled. “I think I can help. You’ll need my mechanics to make this work.” He said I smiled. “I just figured out what you’re doing.” I told him and told him what I wanted him to do. He agreed to do it and we shook hands.

I waved goodbye to Sam and walked out to my dad’s car. He smiled at me. “pet shop time.” he said making me squeal.

We reached the pet shop and I smiled running in. looking at the puppies. I smiled and the lady let me in to play with them. a larger one ran up to me and licked my face as smaller ones jumped on my lap. I smiled and pet them. a liter was next to their mom in a bed they would be just old enough to leave her. I smiled and looked at them. they were little golden retrievers. I looked up at my dad. “I want one!” I said and saw the runt. Smiling I petted him. he jumped onto my lap putting his front two paws on my chest and started giving me kisses. I laughed and hugged him. “him I want him!” I said holding the pup up. “alright. Follow me. the lady said and dad helped me out. I smiled and looked through the collars. I saw a dark purple one and smiled. grabbing it and a leash.  My puppy still in my arms. And I grabbed a bag of treats for him. dad sighed paying for everything and asked me what I wanted to name him I looked at him in the eyes he had little brown eyes I smiled and thought about it. “Starr. Two r’s.” I told him he nodded and the lady made a few tags. For him and attached them to his collar. I smiled and kissed the top of my puppy’s head and put the collar on him. “Hey Starr.” I giggled when he gave me a sloppy kiss.

I skipped into my house my puppy in my arms and showed him around. I smiled and called Rayne to tell him the good news. “Hey.” He said picking up. “I have a puppy!” I squealed to him he laughed. “That’s great angel. what is it?” he asked. “his name is Starr. And he’s a pure bred golden retriever.” I said and took a picture of my puppy on my phone to show him tomorrow. “Well angel my mom’s making me hang up. I have to finish my math homework.” He told me. “I get it.” I giggled. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He said and I smiled and hung up.

The next morning dad dropped me off and Rayne ran over to us. “Mr. Monroe I was wondering if it’d be okay if Tori could have dinner with me and my family tonight.” He asked. I nodded. “I’ll pick you up around six. Dress casual we aren’t very fancy.” He said I nodded and got out of the car. “What time will you have her back?” dad asked him. “What time do you want her back?” he asked dad. “Curfew’s midnight.” He told him I smiled and took Rayne’s hand waving to dad.

After school Rayne stayed and watched me draw. Sam walked in with the supplies he needed for his project. “Should I get to work now or help you?” he asked me. “UH just start putting that together. soon as you have it finished let me know so I can put this on it.” I told him.

It was going to revolve and have one side as woods and the other the school hallway and for the classroom a curtain like back drop and old desks.  Cool hu? I already explained how it worked for the cast and crew. “Rayne can you help him?” I asked him looking at my somewhat bored boyfriend. “Sure.” He said and kissed my forehead as he walked by. I shook my head and continued working.

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