Chapter eleven

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please don't hate me! you'll understand later.

Chapter eleven

Tori’s POV

I sat down in the auditorium with everyone else dad on one side Rayne on the other. Five weeks till I’m eighteen! I’m so happy! I held Rayne’s hand and laid my head on his shoulder. Tonight is the first show of the school play I really don’t know what it’s about. I just made the back grounds.

During admission Anna motioned me over. I smiled at her and the man next to her. “Tori this is the dean of a very good art school nearby.” She said and I smiled. “your art work is amazing and you did it all by yourself?” he asked me. “Yes and no.” I told him. “Another student helped me put it all together but the art itself was me.” I told him he nodded. “humble. I like that.” He said shaking my hand. I smiled and looked back at Rayne he was watching us. “Who’s that?” he asked me. “My boyfriend.” I blushed stuffing my hand in my pockets. “Go to him admission is almost over.” he said I smiled and left. “who was that?” Rayne asked me. “A dean of this art school.” I told him he nodded and lead me back to our seats.

After the play I said good night to my dad. I was spending the night with Sasha. I waved and got in Rayne’s car.

At the pack house as Rayne calls it I said hi to Karrie and went to Sasha’s room. “Sweet room.” I told her she smiled. “It’s temporary until Josh asks me to marry him.” she sighed rolling her eyes. I laughed. “you’re pregnant and he still hasn’t asked you?” “No. he’s waiting for the right moment.” She said rolling her eyes. I laughed. “just ask him to elope see what he says.” I joked. She froze and thought about it. “It might work.” She said nodding her head. I laughed. “I was kidding.” She giggled. “I know but it still might work.” I burst into laughter as the boys walked in with pizza popcorn and movies. “Horror!” josh said excited. I laughed. “last time we watched horror it was boring I pick.” I said going through Sasha’s movies. I found harry potter and put it in. I sat down next to Rayne and snuggled into his side.

The next day an officer knocked on the class room door. I froze and looked at them when they called my name. I looked at Rayne and he nodded. I grabbed my things since class was almost over and walked out into the hall way with them. “Yhea?” I asked them nervous. “Tori you dad was in a car crash. he died on impact.” They told me. I was frozen. “no. no.” I couldn’t breathe. He put a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry for your loss.” He said. “No!” I yelled and took off.

Rayne’s POV

I heard Tori yell no and ran out to her. I saw her take off. “What happened?” I asked them. one was a pack member. “Her father died.” I froze none of the pack knew about Tori yet. “oh no.” I yelled going after her. Sasha and Josh behind me. “Check her house the park. anywhere.” I ordered them. they nodded and took off. I went to the waterfall and saw her running for it. “Tori wait.” I said and held her. she cried into my shirt. “common.” I said calling off the search and took her into the cave.

I held her until she fell asleep. Then I got up and paced. She has to go back no legal guardian. I collapsed. Thirty eight days till her birthday. Can I go that long with only seeing her once a week? I doubt it. I texted my parents and said I was staying with Tori. I ran out and to her house gathering an overnight bag and some things for Starr.

When I got back Tori was up and crying again. “Angel you feel any better?” I asked her. she shook her head. I handed her something to eat.  “I’m not hungry.” She whispered. I lowered my head in defeat.  “Angel please.” I begged. “Is there anyone willing to take full guardian ship of you?” I asked her. she let out a bitter laugh. “No. everyone in my family thinks I’m a freak. At my mother’s funeral her family blamed me for putting to much stress in her life causing the tumor in her brain. I didn’t even know she had it. at first when they found out about me my parents hoped for support from them none came. they blamed my parents. And the others family. I haven’t seen my dad’s side of the family since I was six. When they still loved me.” she said sourly. I never would have thought my angel could hold any anger in her. she was always calm. I placed a hand on her cheek. “I love you and I’m not leaving you.” I promised her. she smiled and pulled me closer to her. “I love you too. They’ll let me go to the funeral with Anna. The day I turn eighteen I’m leaving that place for good. As soon as I’m eighteen unless I have a  damaging episode they can’t keep me.” she told me I nodded. and reached inside my pocket. handing her a picture.

“I figured you might want this more than me while you’re there.” I told her she smiled. “Did I ever tell you my dad is rich?” she asked me I was surprised by the subject change. “no.” I said and she smiled. “He ran several mass producing fossil fuel companies he inherited from my grandfather before I was born. As soon as I’m eighteen it’s all mine.” She said a slight smile on her face. “I won’t be able to run a thing though.” She laughed. Taking the picture and smiled looking at it. “I have one for you as well.” she said and handed me the drawing of our first date. I smiled and kissed her. she pulled back. “I’ll run all of your dad’s businesses for you.” I promised her. she laughed. “And a pack. I’d never see you.” she snuggled into me. “You want something more comfortable?” I asked her. “And yes. Trust me. I can do this. I’ll do it for my angel.” I told her meaning it. Josh and will help he already wants a business degree. I’ll just give him a job. “Alright.” she sighed as I tossed her some of my spare cloths. I tugged my shirt off and she told me to hold still I looked at her confused as she pulled paints out of the bag I stuffed her pills in. “I’m going to make sure people know this is our place.” She said and started painting me and her.

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