Chapter Twenty Five

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Tripp's P.O.V.

I still can't believe that Tyra wasn't afraid of me, I mean.. Most kids would've misunderstood and ran, but.. She's not like them, she's different, a good kind of different. Our kind of different.. That's one of the things I love about her..

"Tripp? Your staring at me.." Tyra said. I blinked, I hadn't noticed that I was staring at her.

"Oh, uh. So, what do you wanna do today?" I asked. "I personally have nothing planned."

"Oh, uh. I don't know, we could spend the day together?" Tyra asked.

"That sounds perfect to me." I said.

I pulled her closer to me and put my lips on hers, I put my hands around her waist as she put her arms around my neck. I deepened the kiss, Tyra reacted the same. (Me: Please remember how weird this is for me considering my best friends name is Tyra. No, not Tyra Banks ;P) Tyra pulled away.

"So, where should we go?" I asked, I had no idea where a good place to spend the day was.

"Well, we could stare at the stars outside.. Have a movie marathon.. Anything really." Tyra said cheerfully.

"I chose both, how about you?" I asked.

"Same." Tyra said, we walked into my car but I was tackled to the hard pavement. I groaned and opened my eyes to see the bullies here at school.

"Why don't you just come out of that closet and tell the truth fang-face?!" One the boys said.

I got up and looked at them, what did they mean closet? "You know, I've been noticing that your running out ideas. I'm not gay, or bisexual. Those are facts." I said.

"Why don't you just leave, okay?" Tyra asked, grabbing my hand. Saying that she didn't believe what these guys were saying about me. I went sort of in front of Tyra, who knows what these strange-minded boys might do.

"Whatever, bitch. Go ahead and become this bastard vampires new chew toy." Another one said, they laughed and walked way.

 "I'm sorry they did that." I said, holding her hand.

 "It's fine. It doesn't bother me." Tyra said, looking up at me.

"So.. Are you scared of me now?" I asked.

"Nope." Tyra said proudly, smiling at me.

I smiled back, I'm so glad. "I'm glad."

"Me too." Tyra said, we got into my car.

"So, do you want me to take you to my house?" I asked.

"Sure." Tyra said, we drove to my house and got out. I picked Tyra up bridal-style, she squealed and laughed.

I put Tyra over my shoulder to open the door, and walked in. Hope came down first, using super-speed.

"I'm guessing she said yes?" Hope asked, leaning against the wall as she smiled brightly at us.

"Yes!" Tyra said, I put her down.

"Yayyy! You know, Tyra. You got Tripp so nervous and shit, it was slightly laughable if I didn't know better." Andy said, popping his head out of the corner.

"What would've happened if I said no?" Tyra asked.

"If you rejected him.. He would've died from heartbreak." Hope said.

"What? How?!" Tyra asked, worried.

"It doesn't matter, it just matters that you didn't and that your both happy." Andy said, coming out of the other hallway and standing beside Hope. Holding her hand.

"So, what are you both going to do to celebrate?" Hope asked.

"We don't know. We were thinking of spending the day together.." I said.

 "Yeah, like a movie marathon or something.." Tyra said.

"Hmm, well. How about I'll rent some movies and buy some pop corn, me and Andy were planning on going out anyways. Okay?" Hope asked.

I looked at Tyra and saw her smiling in excitement. "That would be perfect, thanks Hope." I said, I hugged my twin sister tightly.

"You know, you two look almost the same." Tyra said, me and Hope chuckled.

"Yeah, they're twins. Actually, there was this one time when Tripp wasn't facing me and he was wearing the same hoodie as Lynda. So I though he was Lynda, so - me being the weird, awkward, romantic - I put my arms around his waist, thinking he was Lynda. It was enomously awkward when Tripp turned around and Lynda came in the room." Andy said, oh yeah. That..

"Yeah, by the way.. Hope. Andy has a very firm grip, nice." I say, making Hope blush. We all laughed.

"So, my friend is a fan of your band. She told me that their's this thing going around that your an Angel. Is it true?" Tyra asked.

"Oh, yeah. And I'm glad to hear that she's a fan." Andy said, smiling. Yeah, he loves his fans very much. Him and Hope actually talk to them online through videochats, I walked in one time and I saw that a lot of the fans were asking to either kiss or asking or Hope to bite Andy.

"Anyway, so.. You two make a list of movies you want to watch while me and Andy make lunch." Hope said, pulling Andy away and into the kitchen.

"Your sister seems so sweet, I'm really glad that you have a sister like her. Ebony told me about your parents.. Well, about Hope's parents. She didn't mention you much." Tyra said.

"Thanks, she is the best sister I could ever ask for." I said.

We walked to the kitchen to see Andy and Hope kissing, Hope was leaning against the counter with sandwiches behind her. She had her arms around Andy's neck and Andy was holding Hope's waist. I cleared my throat loudly, sure I'm fine with Andy and Hope being mates but it doesn't mean I'm cool with them kissing. Especially when it's heated, like what just happened.

Andy and Hope pulled away, Hope was blushing a little and Andy was supressing a smile by pursing his lips together tightly. I smiled and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Uh, sandwhiches anyone?" Hope asked, we laughed.

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