Chapter Eighteen - My Never Ending Sadness

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Lynda's P.O.V.

I sat there, listening. Listening to Andy's heartbeat, the guys - I hear - are doing great. None of them died, which is fantastic. But, my Andy.. He's right here, unconscious, probably never going to wake up again..

I gripped his hand as I cried more and more by his side. 'He's going to make it.. He's going to wake up any second.. Any second..'

I stared at Andy, he's so peaceful looking. That just made me dry even more, he can't stay like this. He just can't.

Andy's P.O.V.

I tried and tried to tell her to stop crying, that everything was going to be okay. But I couldn't move, it's like I'm stuck inside of my own body. It's really weird.

I tried to grip her hand but miserably failed, why the fuck can't I move?! I'm awake!

'He's going to make it.. He's going to a wake up any second.. Any second..' Lynda thought as she cried and cried. I hated to hear her cry, it's all she's been doing the past 2 hours.

I heard a new voice, one I hadn't heard in so long. "This is what happens when you fall in love with human." Her mother.

"What? What the fuck are you doing here?! Did you do this?!" She shouted.

"Yes, me and your father wanted to show it feels when your heart breaks when your human..

Whatever dies." Her mother said coldly.

"Get away from me and Andy. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you can just kill it!" Lynda shouted.

"Why must you always think that we hate you? We only want you to be like us." Her father said.

"What if I don't want to be like you?! I had a perfect life with Andy, I wanted to grow old with him! I won't change him!" She said. Change me? Right, Vampire. Its so hard to remember that..

"You will be coming home with us, you aren't old enough to be like this.." Her father said.

"Actually, my 18th birthday was two months ago, thank you very much. It was the best birthday I'd ever had. So, I can do what I want now, I'm old enough." Lynda said, that's my girl.

"You are coming home with us and that's final!" Her mother yelled.

"Excuse me? What is going on here?" Asked a nurse.

"My daughter is just being difficult, it's none of your concern." Her dad said dismissively.

"No, I'm eighteen! You can't tell me what to do anymore, I don't live with you, I live with Andy! And why do you always have to kill what I love!" Lynda said.

"I'm going to have to ask you two to leave." The nurse said.

"And why do we need to?" Lynda's mom asked.

"Because you causing a riot outside, and you need to leave anyway." The nurse said.

I heard Lynda's mom and dad begin to walk away. Lynda sighed. "Thank you, nurse. I owe you one." Lynda said to the nurse.

"Oh, no worries. We get this all the time, parents trying to make their kids obey them, it's really common here." The nurse said, I felt hands making sure the needles were still in place, and then I felt a hand go on my cheek, Lynda.

"He's going to wake up, right?" Lynda asked the nurse.

"We're not sure, but rest assure he's very comfortable right now, and in no pain." The nurse relied. No, actually, it hurts to hear Lynda cry and me not able to do anything!

But I'm awake right now! Except I can't move, or see. "Okay, thank you." Lynda said.

The nurse left, and Lynda broke into tears again. "I-I'm s-so sorr-ry m-my parents di-d this to y-you. Please, d-don't d-die, you c-can't go..." Lynda trailed, collapsing beside me, holding my hand even tighter. I couldn't move, couldn't even grip her hand back.

-- Time Lapse, Lynda's P.O.V. --

Andy still hadn't moved, the guys were able to walk and stuff now. Right now the guys and even Tripp are here in Andy's room, they tried to comfort me but failed.

It's been up to a week since he came here. My own parents actually shot them, but gave Andy the possibility to die. I hate them so much, just like they hate humans. But Andy isn't human, he's an Angel.

I stared at Andy's closed eyes, I tried to imagine that I was just waiting for Andy to wake up, like he was in his bed and it was time to.. Go to school or something, but we didn't care. It didn't work, my imagination wouldn't work. I am too sad for it to work.

It hurts so much to see Andy like this, I refused to leave Andy here. Helpless against Angel Hunters that may come, or maybe even my parents. I held Andy's hand, his hand is still so soft. I stared at Andy's face, he's still so beautiful. I can't look away, I have to see if his eyes move under his eyelids. If his eyes flutter open without me looking, I can't not feel his hand, in hopes that he might wake up and squeeze it back. This alway ended with me crying, because every second that passed, he didn't wake up...

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