Insane Love

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A/N: I usually don't do this for REFLECTION, but this chapter was inspired by Justin Timberlake's Amnesia(push play, best part starts at the 5:30 mark, so gooooddd!!!) it's my favorite song from the 20/20 Ex Part 2...I love JT! <3

It was a little after 1pm and their flight back to Los Angeles was to leave in about two hours. Lauren became restless; she’s NEVER felt the kind of detestation she’s felt with Derek Michael Trenton; she loathed him. It was approaching the 3 hour mark and the older brunette’s emotions started to get the best of her. She was slowly becoming enraged; the memories flooding her all at once, fueling her anger for HIM and with her.

This is BULLSHIT, her darkened green eyes glanced at the time, 1:15pm, she said NO LONGER than 2 hours…I don’t fucking need this; seriously, I DON’T NEED THIS!

***Flashback 5 Years Ago***


Madrid, Spain


It was noon and Lauren was already 3 hours late to her recording session. She was flopped across the bed in her hotel room, her body limp from partying the night before. She was twenty-one, on the verge of her twenty-second birthday and had a FUCK IT attitude, yes, that would be the best way to describe it. She was moping around most of the time, not hearing from the younger brunette killed her, and everyday it killed her a little more.

“Lauren!” Dylan barged through the door, kneeling beside the somewhat intoxicated girl, “Simon’s almost here and he’s pissed.” He said in an urgent tone.

“What?” she popped up, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands, “he’s HERE? I thought he was in the Asia with Normani?”

Dylan shook his head, his eyes wide, “you need to get up---”

The door smacked open, “UP! You NEED to get UP.” He said in serious tone, “Dylan, can you give me a moment with Lauren, I need to speak with her.” Dylan exited the hotel room closing the door behind him.

They just stared at each other for a few seconds.

“What?” Lauren let out crossing her arms.

WHAT? You’re late AGAIN,” he began to pace back and forth clearly angry, “you know Lauren, when the band broke up, I CHOSE YOU and Normani for a reason!” he spat, “her album’s been released and she’s touring Asia and your album is suppose to drop in a month, it’s anticipated to go number one Lauren and you’ve only recorded THREE,” he put up his fingers, “THREE Songs!”

SHIT. He’s right! What the heck am I doing?

“Look Simon, I’m sorry,” she shook her head.

“What’s going on with you Lauren?” his eyes narrowed.

“I’ve just been out of it,” she swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath, “I’ve just been thinking about Camila, the girls, and home…”

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Where stories live. Discover now