Chapter 7

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"Mom, it's really not a big deal. We were working on that movie project and I fell asleep," Louis said for what felt like the millionth time that night.

"Grounded. Two weeks. School and back. No exceptions," she tells him.

Louis sighs dramatically, "but what about the project, it's due in a few weeks, we don't have time to go two weeks without working on it."

"He can come here and you two can work on it in the family room," she says, not backing down.

Louis doesn't know why she's making such a big deal out of something he honestly wasn't even worried about. All he'd done was come home at 7 o'clock on a school night, not even almost late enough to be considered an issue. But Louis did know why, really. He wasn't getting grounded for being late, he was getting grounded because his mother assumed the worst from him. She wouldn't say it, though, and Louis wouldn't either. Since he'd come back from living at Zayn's so many months ago, they'd never spoken the g word to each other, and it was a silent agreement to avoid the topic at all costs.

"Whatever, I'm going to my room," Louis says, storming off up the stairs. He slams the door behind him and he sighs as he falls back against the bed. At least his mom had only grounded him from his friends, he didn't know what he'd do if they grounded him from his phone or his macbook. He strips his clothes off and walks towards the shower.

He lets the water run a bit to heat up, and he looks at himsel in the mirror. He hadn't been hard enough on himself lately, and he'd stepped off of his diet. Louis hadn't been blessed with Zayn's incredible metabolism, and everything he ate went straight to his stomach. He was a lot smaller than he used to be, but he could still see a bit of...

The water had gotten too hot and the steam fogged up the mirror, keeping Louis from staring at his reflection any longer. Probably a good thing, too, because there's no way that was heading anywhere good.

Once he's in the shower, he lets the water run all over him, washing off the sweat on his skin from earlier. It's on the edge of too hot and just right, and it turns his skin a bit pink. He likes the pain of it all, though, it kind of wakes him up and washes the anger away. Why the fuck where his parents so obsessed with him being their perfect straight son? There was no way he was perfect, and really there was no way he was straight, so why couldn't they deal with it.

He stands there in thought until the hot water runs out a while later. He steps out of the shower and wraps up in a towel. Tugging on a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt, he heads downstairs for a drink.

His mom is there, she's sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands. If he wasn't extremely pissed off at her, he'd feel bad. Instead, he heads to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water.

"You weren't just working on a project, were you?" She asks as he's leaving the kitchen. Louis frowns before turning back around.

"Uh, what?" Louis says, eyebrows knitting together.

His mom sighed. There's a look on her face- exhaustion, "The boy, Harry, you aren't just partners, are you?"

Louis sighs, for a moment he considers lying, but he doubts he'd believe her, "Not really, mom."

She looks at him, "A while back I asked your principal to keep an eye on you for any- suspicous activity. He called me a few days ago and said he thought he saw you kissing a boy- Harry Styles. I wanted to believe you weren't, really, but today kind of proved it. I thought we'd talked about this, Louis? I thought we sorted it out?"

Louis snorts, "Talked about it? You bought me a car, and didn't say anything. Though, that was after you kicked me out of the house for three months."

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